Your SUNY New Paltz Fall Bucket List | The Odyssey Online
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Your SUNY New Paltz Fall Bucket List

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Your SUNY New Paltz Fall Bucket List

It's everyone's favorite time of year at Newps once again! The leaves are changing color, the temperature is slipping, and everyone is feeling rather spoopy. You may be asking yourslef, how can I make the absolute most of the fall season this year? Well, you're in luck. Here is an all inclusive list of must-do's this fall at New Paltz!

1. Pick all of the apples in the Hudson Valley.

I mean it, go wild grabbing all those Granny Smiths off the trees! This way you get to eat 6 apples a day for the next 4 weeks just to make sure you get through them all before they go bad.

2. Get at tic while taking #Fall pics at the Nyquist-Harcort Wildlife Preservation.

Who doesn't love a little Lyme's disease with their artsy photographs?

3. Bathe in Robitussin from the Health Center.

Whether you've contracted strep, whooping cough, or scarlet fever, Robitussin is the answer to all of your physical woes.

4. Get a pic on the Rail Trail for your Snap Story.

Deceased foliage is just too aesthetically pleasing to pass up this one.

5. Watch 18 hours worth of indie psychological thrillers.

Ok so maybe you're not doing that research paper, BUT you are using your brain to figure out if the Babadook is actually a spirit or simply a figment of their subconscious grief you're actually working harder!

6. Host a Rocky Horror and hang for the remake premiere where exclusively Frank N. Furter costumes are mandated for entry.

Not that anyone could wear it better than Tim Curry, but fish nets, no party for you.

7. Go out of your way to step on the leaf piles.

It doesn't matter if you're already late to Human Biology, the rustling crunch of dead leaves is an experience that surmounts the first ten minutes of that lecture.

8. Carve a gord.

For pumpkins are far too predictable and cliche.

9. Drop your phone off a mountain while trying to snap a pic of the view from your hike.

Should have invested in that GoPro.

10. Summon the spirits of Haunted Huguenot Street.

You too can have your very own French colonial woman ghost complicate your life even further! Just stop by Huguenot Street and piss one off.

11. Run to Salvation Army for cheap flannels since you only brought summer clothes in August.

If you aren't in a flannel, do you even believe in fall?

12. Sell tickets to watch Halloweentown in your dorm because you got cable, candy corn, and cage-free chicken nuggets in the micro-fridge.

May as well capitalize wherever you can. You'd be surprised what 20 year olds would do for Aggie Cromwell.

13. Go to class in Birkenstocks with socks.

If you're cringing, you clearly haven't tried it yet and let me just say, you're missing out.

14. Spend your life savings on 14 different Halloween costumes.

Then just live the minimalist life for the next eighteen weeks following Halloweekend.

15. Attend an exorcism.

Roommate been extra annoying lately? It can't hurt to attempt to lift the devil from their being, what do you have to lose?

16. Fail your midterm.

I'm not saying this is a goal, sometimes it's just an inevitable fate.

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