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Student Life

The Expectations Of The First College Summer At Home

I'm moving back in with... my parents?!?

The Expectations Of The First College Summer At Home

Summer is basically here, and you know we're all very much excited! However, with the year winding down by the few days we have left, there can be mixed feelings about what to expect moving back home for the summer after the first year of college.

Here's a list of end of the year and beginning of summer emotions that are all too real:

1. "Oh my gosh it's ending, what am I going to do?"

Regardless of how freshman year was, we must all move on to bigger and brighter things. Although, the hard part is figuring out what to do with life when not a student. Do you go back to that crappy summer job to pay off college debt? Take summer classes(me!) Or, take a long, slow, do nothing for two months kind of vacation?

2. Who am i actually going to keep up with?

With constantly meeting new people, it may seem hard to figure out who you will actually keep up with. Also, with people's busy summer schedules it may be difficult.

3. "I'm moving back in with...my parents!?"

Moving back home can have lots of mixed emotions. For example, is my mom still going to treat me like a high schooler after being self-sufficient for an entire year? Will I get bossed around if I don't find a summer job? After finals, it's a whole new list of unknowns.

4. I wish I had an apartment

You know if you signed that on-campus housing contract for year two, you definitely want your own apartment by summer. Of course, paid for by your parents because college students have no money. This eliminates the "I have to move back in with my parents for the summer" slogan. Still out here proving to mom that I can be self-sufficient.

5. Maymester

For those of us wackos who couldn't get enough of studying this year, we decided to take a Maymester. Let's face it, some of us have to to stay in our major, bring up our GPA, get into the classes we want, or simply be done with college sooner. If you are bored over the summer and have nothing to do, this is a great option.

6. More change

With the end of this year, comes a new year full of more experiences and learning, and definitely more friends. Going home brings back memories of being a high school kid living out the days until you went to college and before life actually became challenging.

7. Be with friends and family

Take time to be with family and friends that you don't see as much. These can be high school friends that are home for the summer and go to different colleges or a quick visit to Grandma and Grandpa.

8. Returning to school will be different

Regardless of how strongly you feel about this year, every year is different. There will be different classes, friends, living space. The college home that I've grown to love will change just as I do.

This may be the last free summer before people are landing internships and jobs for the summer. Lastly, take time to enjoy time off while you have it. Because, before you know it, we'll be working the nine to five all the time.

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