23 Ways To Make Sure You Have A Successful Freshman Year
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23 Ways To Make Sure You Have A Successful Freshman Year

Freshman year is a time to spread your wings, take chances, make memories, laugh a lot and study more than you sleep.

23 Ways To Make Sure You Have A Successful Freshman Year
Mackenzie Miles

No one can accurately describe a freshman's first year of college. Everyone's experience will be different and special. When you enter campus, you're not handed a do's and dont's manual or told what time curfew is. You're also not told how much fun you're going to have. Here are a few tips on how to make your first year of college spectacular.

1. Go to welcome week

Welcome week is filled with activities and events to help you love the university and make friends!

2. Decorate your room

You need to make your dorm room feel like home. Put up pictures, inspirational quotes, bible verses and lights! You will spend a lot of time in your room, so it is important that it makes you feel confident.

3. Find people that will give you hugs when you're stressed

I was lucky to find these people who would listen to my life problems and make me feel special. Find your people!

4. Get a group of friends that can make you laugh

Find girls that will drop anything to go get milkshakes at 11 p.m., sing to you while chilling in your hammock and workout with you.

5. Find where you like to study

I cannot stress this enough. Finding what setting works best for you is the key to success. I always have my laptop, headphones, coffee, and study materials when I go to lock myself in the library!

6. Don't be afraid to do things

Get rid of your "I'm too cool" attitude and go to events put on by the university.

7. Don't be afraid to say no

I wanted to do everything and very soon I became worn out. Get involved, but don't do more than you can handle.

8. Play with puppies as much as you can

I went to the Humane Society as often as I could. It is proven that dogs can relieve stress. When school work is overwhelming and you start to consider dropping out, go play with a puppy for an hour!

9. Don't forget to shower

You might want to skip three days..but just don't.

10. If you don't like coffee, you'll learn to love it

I had a cup of coffee every morning. It wakes up your brain and makes you ready for the day. I had a lot of late nights and coffee was able to keep me alive.

11. Don't ever skip class

The picture says it all. If you skip class, you're missing out. Trust me when I say skipping your early class to sleep in will only make you feel worse about your day. Do something for me: The first time you don't feel like getting out of bed, make yourself stand up and walk around. Be determined that you're going to make it a great day!

12. Let your roommate become your best friend

Your roommate will be there to grab dinner, go to the gym, talk about boys, give you hugs when you have a hard day and let you borrow her clothes.

13. Do community service

I loved getting involved in the community and it's way more fun to do it with people you can laugh with!

14. Get involved in a church

Find a church and go with your friends! Going to service was the highlight of my week. It gives you an hour away from all your troubles and allows you to relax.

15. Go to the gym or recreation center

Most universities offer classes you can attend like Core, Zumba, Body Pump, Total Body or strength classes you can be apart of.

16. Do not spend hours on Netflix

Remember that your computer is for checking grades and writing papers, not wasting hours watching "Friends."

17. Do shows

Being in shows are so much fun and are some of my greatest memories of freshman year! I met so many people and was able to start amazing friendships.

18. Have some time alone

Spending alone time is much needed. I did my alone time outdoors where I could get some fresh air or took naps because naps solve anything, right?

19. Go to events and concerts

Some of my favorite memories were going to concerts with friends and screaming lyrics of our favorite songs. P.S. Bring a jersey to college with you. You'll wear it more than once.

20. Go to the football games

Football games are so much fun with your friends!

21. Take lots of pictures

Pictures are memories you can keep with you forever. Take pictures all the time. You'll be glad you did.

22. You need to sleep

Sleep will soon become something you can't wait to do each night. Without sleep your body can't function and you may cry a lot.

23. Spend time with Jesus

Spending time praying, reading the Bible, and journaling were three ways I got through my freshman year of college. You can't complete college with your strength alone, you need God's mighty power to come along side of you and lift you up each day. The days I did not acknowledge God were the worst days, and the days I spent time worshipping him I went to sleep knowing he holds tomorrow. If I could give ONE piece of advice to an incoming freshmen it would be to hold onto your faith and don't allow it to lose priority. It's going to be easy to sleep on Sunday mornings and it's going to become normal to tell everyone you're busy..but don't be too busy to spend time with the Creator. God wants to carry your burdens and hardships. When classes get hard, don't shut him out. He's ready to lift everything off your shoulders and take care of your worries. After all "how big is this problem on a scale of one to God?"

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