Maybe it's me, maybe it's society, maybe it's my role in society, but if you want my opinion, which I’ll assume you’re dying for, everywhere you turn and in everything you see, someone, somewhere is apologizing. And, let’s be real, that someone is probably a girl. It could have something to do with the fact that I seem to lack the apparent ability to evoke any type of emotion (aside from the ones associated with a few four letter words), but I just don’t understand why we feel the need to sugar coat every single thing we do in the attempt to abide by some non-spoken agreement of social and political correctness. Now, I’m not talking actual politics, I’ll leave that to my post-happy high school turned politician Facebook friends. But, as a 19 year old girl who grew up in a culture that, until recently, demonized any female that seemed to take herself out of the stereotypical “woman” role of domestication and soft-spoken nature, I feel compelled to ask: why the f*ck are we sorry?
Come on, ladies, say it with me: I am not sorry.
Do not apologize for admitting that sweat pants are more comfortable than jeans (and, also, for recognizing how great your butt looks in those jeans).
Your body, your rules. Enough of letting society, the media and men dictate and have an opinion on what you should cover (or not cover) your body with. Yes, you have a much better chance of seeing a hot new pair of butt plumping jeans in the pages of your favorite magazine, rather than the sweat pants you spilled buffalo sauce on last night, but you should never feel sorry for rocking them anyway.
Do not apologize for liking French fries more than a salad (dressing on the side, obviously).
You: *Orders something healthy because today’s the day you eat healthy, stick to your diet, drink some green sh*t, go to the gym, run seven miles, wear that bikini, emerge as the ultimate instagram fitspo and become best friends with Jen Selter.*
Friend: *Orders French fries.*
You: *Eats friend’s French fries while explaining why you shouldn’t be eating said French fries.*
Please, for your sake, for your friend’s sake, for the sake of French fries, accept the fact that it’s okay to like them more than kale, and that you can eat whatever you want without having to feel guilty or wrong about it. And, if someone tries to judge you for that, order those fries to go and leave them where they belong: behind.
Do not apologize for admiring your “effortless” contouring abilities that we all know is the real reason you’re always late.
You can wear no makeup, you can wear a little makeup; you can smoky eye to your heart’s content; you can contour until you have a Taylor Lautner jawline. You can have eyelashes the size of Texas; you can have eyebrows as thick as hell. You have the capability to be your own canvas every single day, so be an artist and do whatever the f*ck you want. And honestly, if someone is unable to appreciate how perfectly symmetrical your winged eyeliner that you spent the last twenty minutes perfecting is, who needs ‘em anyway?
Do not apologize for going through three box of tissues after Noah and Allie leave you completely lost, abandoned and waiting for the 366th letter (ps. Ryan, if you’re still in the market for a bird I am available).
You are allowed to have feelings and emotions, and just because you are a girl does not make them any more or less valid. No, it’s not just “that time of the month,” no I’m not just being hormonal, and no it’s not stupid (but, yes, I do want that chocolate you’re offering to buy for me). If you want to be angry, be so pissed off that you clear out a room. If you want to cry, sob until you look like a raccoon’s long lost twin. Feeling happy? Sing, dance and be so over-joyous that you inspire others to celebrate along with you. Whatever you do, whatever you feel, feel it completely and unapologetically. There’s no better cure to an awful day than a good venting session while jamming out to Taylor Swift, so turn on the radio, envelope yourself in your mood, and let it go, judgment free.
Do not apologize for being absolutely certain that Nicki was sub-tweeting Taylor.
You were given a voice for a reason: use it. There is not one person with your exact personality, experiences, ideas, thoughts, mentality, values and outlook on life. You and you alone are the one to speak your mind and make your opinion count, so never, ever tread lightly when using your right of speech and expression to impact whatever it is you so deserve to shine your light on. Having strong opinions is powerful and important, so forget any misconception that has you believing you have to continuously apologize for your individualism. Say what you think, mean what you say, stand behind what you value and practice what you preach.
Of course there will always be times in life that necessitate an actual apology, but being yourself and being proud is not one of them. So call me a b*tch, call me a feminist (I hope I can call you one, too), say I'm self-righteous, say I'm aggressive, just don't say that I'm sorry.
Sorry, not sorry.