As many people know, Snapchat is one of today's largest form of social media. For those who are not a part of this technology-obsessed generation, Snapchat is an image messaging app which allows you to send pictures to your friends, and now to larger "stories" that represent a larger group, such as a college campus. Snapchat allows you to send selfies to your friends with silly filters or even face-swap with people, but now, does it help you find love?
Last week, a UW Madison student sent in a video to her campus story declaring her love for a guy in a Viking's jersey who she saw on the story. Immediately, the entire school began to react and sent in numerous snaps encouraging "Viking's Fan" to go out and get the girl. It was not long before "Help Viking's Fan find Mystery Girl" became a geotag filter and through various snapchats, Mystery Girl told Viking's Fan where she was going to be that night. After many other snapchats from UW Madison students "shipping" this viral couple, and Mystery Girl not seeing his reply and missing the meeting time, Viking's Fan finally found Mystery Girl at a local bar named The Kollege Klub. When the two finally spotted each other, they greeted each other with a passionate embrace and everyone in the bar exalted in happiness.
Now, before I tell you if they fell madly in love or not, let me put some names to this story. His real name is Reed Bjork and "Mystery Girl" is Abby Diamond. He is a senior at UW Madison, who plans on attending med school after graduation, and she is a 22-year-old zoology major. Both of them did not expect this sudden fame, and even joke in a WKOW interview that they are "not models hired by Snapchat". This modern day "love story" has taken the internet by storm, and have even been featured in GQ.
Social media and an assortment of apps have become the new way to meet people and even start lasting relationships. "Sliding into the DMs", swiping right on Tinder, and now apparently sending Snapchats to stories seems to be the modern way to find love.
So did they fall head over heels once they met? Not exactly. He got her phone number and walked her home that night, and although the two claim that they are NOT dating, they have reportedly been hanging out since then. They have been said to be watching scary movies together and baking brownies. UW Madison is in the middle of exams, so they said in one interview that they have been studying for finals together. Sounds pretty couple-y if you ask me!
Who knows, maybe there is still hope that Viking's Fan and Mystery Girl will end up together, and maybe Snapchat will become the new eHarmony.
Watch the whole UW Madison Campus Story here: