Ever had a no good, lousy day? Something happens (and it can seem very little), but it throws you off for the rest of the day. This happens to me a lot. Like a lot a lot. I have found laughter really is the best medicine. Here are some of my favorite YouTube videos so you can laugh on one of those days.
1. Shoes
This is such an old throwback. This may have been my first YouTube video, honestly. I dare you to watch this with a straight face. Did you fail? Probably, because it isn't possible.
2. Charlie the Unicorn
Sometimes watching a unicorn have a bad day can make yours better. I have so many memories watching this video with friends and trying to imitate the other unicorns' voices. Do it now. You probably just laughed.
3. Sad Cat Diary
No matter how hard your day is, remember that there is a cat out there who can't get treats this exact second that he or she wants them.
4. Dog Hoards Tater Tots
If cats aren't your thing, look at this adorable dog feel so bad for doing something for himself. Pay close attention to the fact that these tater tots are in perfect shape.
5. Fox Licking a Window
This one is more on the lines of just really adorable.
6. The asdfmovie
I love the quick skits of this video. I highly recommend all of the other asdf videos by TomSka.
7. The Trolololololol Song
Sing this forever and you can be cool.
8. Leeroy Jenkins
Finally, the most iconic of them all. You must storm into every room and say this.
Sometimes it is hard to get through the day. It's even harder to think of something positive when you are already down. I hope I can help you get through that day.