2. When they do answer, they use three words. That's it. | The Odyssey Online
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10 Ways You Know He's Just Not Into You, If You're Being Honest

Let's be honest, we've all seen the signs, even when we wish we didn't.

10 Ways You Know He's Just Not Into You, If You're Being Honest

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Because we live in the era of dating through social media, it seems so much easier to fall for someone with the constant conversation that we are able to have. However, it isn't long until that special part backfires and sends us into crazy town, which relates to the fact that we're unable to identify actions and intentions over a text message, but what does that matter when all you ever see is "Read 10:27 p.m."?

I've collected the 10 signs that we've all probably seen from a guy that they've talked to but have fallen victim to their lovely ignoring tactics.

1. They leave you on read. All. The. Time. 

I mean come on, this is obviously the number-one reason to believe that he probably isn't that into you. Don't ignore the fact that you're left on read for hours at a time because no guy doesn't have their phone for hours. That's just a fact.

2. When they do answer, they use three words. That's it.

OK, so yay, he finally answered you. HOWEVER, when he is constantly using three words OR LESS, he's probably either super busy (less likely), or he thinks you're annoying or boring. Or both. I've gotten that a few times, and it is just lovely.

3. You text first.

While I realize that a woman sending the first text isn't weird, trust me, I'm guilty of it, and, because of it, I have had some of the best relationships produced. However, if you add the first three signs, it's a recipe for disaster already. You may as well detach yourself from your phone or make his name something that you can laugh at when he does decide to text you back. If you are constantly having to text him with ideas or start a conversation, then he is probably trying to hit up someone else, despite all your tries.

4. He cancels plans out of the blue.

OK, sure, there really are emergencies that come up throughout life, and we all know that. But I would like to know how things come up that you either forgot about or they just magically appeared on your calendar, because that just seems illogical and fake. Call me insane, but girls are far from stupid, and if he thinks that he's clever, he really has a reality check coming his way.

5. He's never too busy to post on Snapchat.

This is what I don't understand: a guy can go 24 hours, sometimes even longer, without texting you back. Which is literally the biggest load of bull that I have ever seen in my life because we all know that they are almost incapable of keeping their phones out of their faces, yet they still use the "Oh, sorry I fell asleep" excuse.

Oh, you fell asleep for 15 hours? OK, Brad. Anyway, they can spend the entire day doing everything they can to ignore you, whether it's turning off their read receipts or, sometimes, literally ignoring the Messages app. HOWEVER, you can get on Snapchat and see that they've posted a story. So, cool, you're too busy to text someone back but never too busy for Snapchat? Seems like a logical excuse to me. (insert extreme sarcasm here).

6. He isn't too concerned about your whereabouts.

Ladies, if he doesn't ask how you are (you know, without you starting off with that question, because it is only polite that he ask it back in normal conversation), then he probably doesn't care. And this isn't to say that no guy is ever going to care what you've done with your day, or that they have to ask you all the time what you were up to (let's be honest, that's just as annoying).

However, if he doesn't seem interested in knowing what you do on some days, even on bad ones, then he probably doesn't care about the rest of the conversation.

7. He takes everything too seriously.

The world shouldn't be so serious all the time, and everyone likes to have fun! If you're constantly having to apologize for making a joke or your playfulness just isn't reciprocated, then he just isn't into you. If feelings are the same, you can have fun and be serious (when needed), and it makes for a better life together!

8. He doesn't support what you want to do.

If you have the "What do you wanna do after graduation" conversation and he doesn't support the career you want:

1) He will never be OK with being with someone that he doesn't approve of, and

2) Leave him because you deserve to do what makes you happy as well as someone who will support you while you do it.

And that's just the tea, sis.

9. He will never invite you out with his friends.

With a brand new relationship, this is OK, especially if you're just getting to know each other. But, after a few weeks of talking and having decent conversation, there should be some sort of comfort level that would convince him that his friends should meet you.

However, if you're constantly hinting that you're free on a night that he's going out, he's either really stupid, or he doesn't want his friends to know that you exist. This sign really sucks because it makes a girl feel like he either has a night out with just the boys, or he is completely looking in the opposite direction of you and your feelings. Nine times out of 10, it's the second option.

10. He won't talk about his feelings with you.

Here's the kicker. You can call and leave a message or send a long text explaining how you feel, even if you think that he will ignore it (which is crazy that we have to worry about that nowadays). However, even if you ripped your own heart out and handed it to him on a silver platter, the answer you'll receive back is never what you want to hear. In my experience, they mostly work themselves around the question you're asking, and you will be able to tell by their response just how little they really care about you.

If you're like me, explaining your feelings is so hard to do to someone that you have feelings for, and you're almost afraid to tell them how you feel because you don't want them to get scared away. But sometimes, it is better to know the truth about their feelings than to keep pretending as though everything is OK.

The thing is ladies, guys do kinda suck sometimes. However, when you find the right person, you'll never think twice about these stupid signs or even that you may have gone a few hours without talking to each other.

My advice to those in weird situations, as in you really don't know what the heck is going on with a guy, is to just ask him how he feels. Obviously, if he doesn't seem enthused, then he isn't the right one. And sometimes, they will say that they're into you, but it seems that they will later change their minds and go back to the same old ways of harsh ignoring. No matter how afraid you are to know, you can't spend your whole life worrying that he may not like you back.

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