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Student Life

33 Things On Your Mind OTHER Than Classes During Your Last Semester Of College

Dean's List to D-list real quick...

33 Things On Your Mind OTHER Than Classes During Your Last Semester Of College

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College hands-down has been the most amazing experience I've been through yet. With that being said, it's a lot of work. I have finally reached my final lap before this journey is officially over and ironically enough, I'm the most distracted now that I've been the entire four years I've been here.

Since I can't focus on any responsibilities lately, I wanted to construct a list of things on my mind instead of the several exams and essays I have due soon. SOS.

1. Spring break

What am I going to wear? Who's going to be there? Online shopping and choosing my bikini has got the best of me.

2. Taco Tuesday

Yes I have an exam, but that means I'm missing tacos and margs...

3. I need a job after I graduate

Not if you don't graduate, that's the trick!

4. I'm tired

Relatable, I know.

5. I wonder how many cheesepuffs I can eat in one sitting

Haven't you ever wondered?

6. How often I'm going to see my college friends after graduation 


7. It's so cold I need summer


8. How to lose weight in two weeks

If only that was how it worked... or does it.

9. I need more money 

10. How to make money fast 

If anyone knows, let me know.

11. How many puppies is too many puppies to own?

Asking for a friend.

12. Coffee. I need more coffee

13. My outfit for St. Patty's Day

Still don't have one. Awkward.

14. Is it 80 degrees yet?

Still no.

15. My next adventure

Where am I going to live after I graduate? What will my decorations look like?

16. Wedding bells

The amount of weddings I'm invited to is crazy. I can't wait to go shopping!

17. Which is better: Goldfish or Cheez Itz?

You decide.

18. The urge to redecorate my entire house

I'm moving out in 2 months, it's not worth it, but I want to.

19. Buying tanning packages

That's the way I trick everyone into thinking I have spring break plans!

20. What show to binge on Netflix next

Not that I have the time for it, I just want to because why not?

21. Las Vegas in April

How can I possibly contain my excitement for that trip?

22. My future job?

I don't have one yet, but I wonder where I'll end up next.

23. Do my plants listen to me when I talk?

I mean, they're living creature too...

24. When is the last time I got a full eight hours of sleep?

Can't remember.

25. Global warming 

What about the polar bears, people?

26. Twitter gossip

You've heard it, the Khloe Kardashian & Tristan Thompson scandal. Yikes.

27. Watching Youtube's newest videos

Anyone else a huge Youtube fan? Just me? OK.

28. My future home's aesthetic 

I'm looking for a rustic look, super sleek, but not too fancy. It looks good in my mind...

29. Will my plants be sad when we move out of Bowling Green, Ohio? 

Again, they're living things too!

30. Making lists of my future children's names

I'm not even planning on having kids for a long, long time. Although, it is great to be prepared!

31. How I'm going to decorate my graduation cap

The options are endless!

32. Will the Cleveland Browns ever make it to the Super Bowl? 

Us Clevelanders have hope!

33. I have an assignment due at midnight!

With a few hours to spare, I got this.

Good luck to seniors everywhere!

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