How Self-Care Practices Changes My Daily Life
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How Self-Care Practices Changes My Daily Life

I always thought this was something only for hippies

How Self-Care Practices Changes My Daily Life

Self-care products and practices are on the rise, and for a good reason. We live in a world where we never stop. We go from school to work to taking care of others and often forget to take a step back and take care of ourselves. This is something that I struggled greatly to do and over the past year, I think I finally have gotten the hang of this self-care thing. So now I feel the need to share my journey with you in order to help you learn how to transform your life the same way I did with these little every day moderations. '

As someone who suffers from depression and chronic pain, I tend to spend most of my free time in bed, sleeping, or just hiding and ignoring the world. The idea of going out and doing something alone was terrifying and I did not join clubs where I knew no one. I would do all of my work from bed, refusing to even move into my beautiful living room with an entire wall of windows that provides radiant sunlight and a view of the city. Needless to say, I was the complete opposite of a self-care advocate. I work 25 hours a week while going to school full time. I figured that was enough. I did not need to put forth effort into anything else. But eventually, I started following some self-care advocated on Instagram, simply because they seemed so happy and I wanted that in my life. From there, everything changed.

My first step was joining a yoga class. I thought yoga was dumb and that I would get thrown out for being too loud or simply just too bad at it. I knew no one in the class but figured that at the very least, it was a forced time out once a week for myself. Now I love it. I am still a newbie and am learning, but I have reached the point where if I miss a week, my body feels it, and I feel the need to do a few poses every night to sleep well. My body feels stronger and I have way more energy than before. Sticking with the theme of exercise, I also started a lovely app called Couch to 5k. It is an app that helps you go from not running at all to being able to run a 5k in eight weeks. It is magical. I never believed that my body was capable of doing something like this, or that I would ever have the time. Since I started, I need fewer naps and crave way less fattening foods.

Now when it comes to everyday life, there are some very simple, and cheap things you can do to enhance your mood and attitude towards the day. I have begun using candles each night before I go to bed to wind down and get in a mindset where I can attain a good nights rest. You can get candles for around $5 at any local Marshalls, Ross, or TJ Maxx store. I also began coloring at nights. I know, coloring is for kids, but adult coloring books do wonders for the mind. I recently got a curse word coloring book (only $4 on Amazon!) that I use to release anger and stress from my day. Also, if you get the chance, take a bath. Put your computer on the toilet seat, turn on your favorite show, get some bubbles, and just soak for about 20 mins. You will feel like you are a princess afterward.

My biggest advice of all for self-care is make time to go outside. It can be just to sit and enjoy the air, use it as a time to catch up on work, or go for a walk. Changing up your environment can do wonders for your motivation and creativity levels. For example, this morning I woke up extremely cranky, so I forced myself out of the house and am sitting outside at a local coffee shop and am so content I was inspired to write this. I know sitting in bed and watching Netflix is nice -- trust me I used to do it all the time -- but getting out will make you feel so much better mentally and physically.

Last but not least, find a podcast or TV show you love and can use as a reward at the end of the day. After a long day, I always make myself watch one episode of a tv show or listen to the newest episode of my favorite podcasts -- I recommend Case Files and Beautiful Anonymous. This way you know that all your productivity for the day is worth it and you feel like you deserve to treat yourself without feeling any guilt.

So get out there. Love yourselves. Surround yourself you self-care because you deserve to be happy and love your life.

For more self-care tips you can follow my journey on Instagram @thatlizziechickk

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