Let Us Run With Endurance
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Let Us Run With Endurance

A note to graduating seniors.

Let Us Run With Endurance
Faith and Footsteps

Congratulations, class of 2016! You are officially high school graduates. This is an exciting time in your life; you crossed the finish line of high school.

You walked across the stage, received your diploma, moved your tassel and threw your cap up in the air. You said goodbye to your classmates, some of whom you may never see again.

You may be starting a new chapter in your life, but your race is not over yet.

Hebrews 12:1 says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.”

As a believer in Christ, you are running a spiritual marathon. You were chosen to run this race that is designed for you and only you.

The author of Hebrews says to strip off every weight that slows us down. Imagine a track star trying to run a race with weights strapped to his/her ankles. They couldn’t sprint the race, right? It is the same with our spiritual race. Sin is the ankle weights. It holds us back. It slows us down. It easily trips us up. To efficiently run this race, you must unstrap the ankle weights of sin.

When you asked God to come into your heart, he chose you for His team. He perfectly pieced your race together. He molded it to your strengths and weaknesses, so you would grow in your faith and trust in him.

Run this race with endurance. Our spiritual race is not promised to be easy. It will be difficult– at times we will want to give up.

Hebrews 12:2 says, “We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.” When you’re panting and exhausted, focus your eyes on Jesus. He will not let you grow weary.

Keep in mind you are not running this race alone. A cloud of witnesses surrounds you. Hebrews 11 paves the way for Hebrews 12, so we have to read back to understand who is the cloud of witnesses. Chapter 11 speaks about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and other Old Testament believers looked forward the Jesus coming, but they had believers to help guide them in their faith.

The huge crowd of witnesses is the spectators at the race. They are past believers cheering you on to victory. They are rooting for you and encouraging you until you cross the finish line.

High school is over and done, but your marathon is just beginning. Don’t stop running.

You are commanded to press forward. College is full of lost people and you will be a bright light. Your mission field is waiting for you.

So, seniors, lace up your sneakers and start running. Keep your eyes focused on Jesus, the perfector of your race. He has designed this race for you. Go shine His light and show His heart.

Congratulations, class of 2016! I cannot wait to see the huge things you will do for the Kingdom.

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