Reviews of the Latest Released Movie Trailers (Dec. 26th - Jan. 1st) | The Odyssey Online
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Reviews of the Latest Released Movie Trailers (Dec. 26th - Jan. 1st)

Reviews of the Latest Released Movie Trailers (Dec. 26th - Jan. 1st)

Well, it's almost the new year — goodbye 2016, hellooo 2017! — and we can expect a lot of new movies to come out with this new year that I'm sure everyone is excited about. And even though I don't really go to the movies as often as I would love to, I do still watch tons of new movie trailers on YouTube (mostly so I can stay in the loop with the rest of the world), so I decided to do kind of like a review sesh of the trailers of the new movies that are going to be released in the upcoming and last week of December.

Dec. 26th:

Red Dog: True Blue

So, this trailer only lasted like two minutes and I love it already. It's like your typical family movie with a lovable pet except the only people in this family is a young boy and his kinda mean-spirited but grandpa. But, I feel like this movie is going to hit you right in the feels. It'll give you joy and happiness, make you shed a few tears and make you laugh out loud.

So here's some background info on the movie. It's a prequel to a 2011 Australian comedy-drama family film titled "Red Dog" which was based on a novel that was based on a real life red dog who was so popular that he even has his own statue. So, this movie tells the story of how the young boy was sent to live with his grandpa on a farm and came across this red dog, who as you can see in the trailer, was covered in blue mud (I'm assuming that's mud by the way) and is named Blue. They become best mates and he's there for him through most of his childhood. Now, the trailer doesn't give too much away and maybe if you've seen the second part to the film, you'd know more about it, but for the most part, I definitely enjoyed this trailer and I really want to see it.

Here's the trailer so you can watch it for yourself and see what you think as well.

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Dec. 28th:

20th Century Women

Okay so, this has two trailers and I had very different feelings for both. First of all, I love those movies that are set in the olds, maybe it's because I wasn't born then and knowing about the lives that were lived back then kind of gives me this excitement that I can't really describe. I don't really get the same feeling when I watch futuristic movies, which is kind of weird, because we could be living in that kind of world one day and yet, it just doesn't excite me or thrill me as much as the old times do.

But, anyway, my thoughts on the trailers really did vary, so I'm glad that there was more than one trailer, because lemme tell ya, the first one bored the heck out of me. The first one seemed so depressing and kind of wacky if you ask me. It actually gave me like a dystopian feel to it. You know with the deep, dark voice giving you a lesson the history of the world and what makes it so terrible, and how these new rules and a change in the way of living is going to make everything all better (but really, it's just gonna make everything around you crash and burn). After the little speech is over, there's only like a few seconds left to really show what the movie is about, and I was left kind of disappointed.

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The second one was longer by almost a full minute and yet it didn't feel so. The second gave me those excited feels and ready to run to the nearest theater to watch this as soon as it comes out. There's more life and laughter in this one. There's also kind of like a speech in this one, but it's given in the Mom's voice and she's talking to her son about the meaning of life from childhood to now and all that. And I really liked the Mom. She's a single mother raising a teenage boy all on her own and she lives in a society that feels she needs a man to help raise a boy into a man and she kind of sets out to prove them wrong, even though she faces a lot of hardships along the way.

Some extra info to know: the film stars Annette Benning, Greta Gerwig, Elle Fanning and Billy Crudup. The movie is set in the late 1970s and is based on the director, Mike Mills' childhood.


I liked Paterson, both the character and the trailer. I think this is the first movie, or at least the first that I've heard of, that is about a bus driver. What Paterson really is though is a poet. Named after the city he lives in, married to an eccentric woman, driving people around for a living, the man's life is basically poetry in motion. What I like about Paterson (the character) is that despite being a bus driver, he doesn't complain about his job or any aspect his life, he is humble when it comes to his poems, he's strong enough to tackle a man with a gun, and he just seems so fresh and alive.

The film is set within a week and it takes place in the real life city Paterson, New Jersey. It also includes a family dog who is central to the plot and part of the climax of the film, and I feel really good about this one.

Dec. 31st:

Shooting Clerks

To be honest, I initially thought this movie would be about when random guys come into convenience stores and tries to rob it and the impact that incident has on the store clerks and the people in the store, but it's totally not about that.

So, I found and watched two different videos on this film and like "20th Century Women", I had two completely different thoughts during both. The first video was a 'theatrical trailer' and it showed snippets of the film. Some parts were in black and white which kind of confused me, until I found out the reason why and I just wasn't very interested in the movie at all, to be honest.

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The second video is a 'teaser trailer' and it's definitely a lot more interesting than the prior video. It explains what the movie's gonna be about without really giving too much away. It explains what a kind of movie it is exactly and what the characters are to be doing as well. So, that definitely got me interested in the movie. It's not a movie I'd go to watch in the theaters, per se, but when the day comes that I can watch it for free online, then hell yeah, I'd take a crack at it.

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So this is basically like a biopic about a guy named Kevin Smith who created his first film with $27,000 in maxed-out credit cards and garnered a lot of attention at the Sundance Film Festival when his film "Clerks" debuted in 1994. The film "Clerks" gained a lot of attention two decades ago and I have no doubt that this documentary/biopic will do the same, since a lot of people who enjoyed "Clerks" is going to enjoy watching this as well.

Sly Cooper

Okaay, that was, um, interesting, I guess. I don't know if you could actually raccoons as sly creatures, but that was probably the second most handsome cartoon animal I have ever seen (the first being the hot tiger from "Zootopia"). I wanna say I enjoyed the trailer since I already liked all four of the other trailers, but I just couldn't connect with it as well. There were a lot of reasons why I thought I would enjoy this when I found it, mostly because it depicted animals and I absolutely love movies where we get to see an animal world, but this trailer just did not do it for me.

First off, you can't tell anything from this trailer. I mean, they seemed like crime fighting superheroes in the first minute when the characters are introduced with big blocky words describing who they are and what their roles are, but then it just kind of loses its impact once I found out what exactly the whole running down, driving fast, dramatic talk was all about. And the final scene where they're being chased for stealing donuts from the police? I was just done by then. Like, come on, I know cops like their donuts, but enough to drop everything and go chasing after some animals just because they stole one box? I think I'm good.

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But, for those that were interested by the trailer or would like to see/know more about "Sly Cooper", here's some more information. Sly Cooper initially started as a video game and there are about three games based on the character and his sidekicks. Later on, it was turned into a comic and now, into a movie. I don't know, maybe to some Sly Cooper fans, this'll be something worth looking forward to, but for me, I think I'll pass on this one.

Jan. 1st:

Sister Cities

Sister Cities — it's such a nice title. Overall, this trailer was...if I could put it into one single word — AWESOME. I really liked the mother of these sisters, I think she had a wicked sense of humor and I love that the sisters are all kind of wacky and weird in their own ways. I love watching broken families kind of interact with each other and try to fight it out until they all get together and love each other again. And this looks like it's going to be an awesome movie and I can't wait to watch it.

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So, this is going to be a Lifetime television movie, so yay, I won't have to rush to the theaters for this one and yes, that was newly married Troian Bellisario from "Pretty Little Liars" you just saw. This movie is based off an internationally-acclaimed 2006 play with the same name by Colette Freedman and it's about these four estranged sisters who are as different as the cities they were named after — Mary, Carolina, Austin and Dallas — who reunite after their mother commits suicide by drowning herself in the tub. Since this is going to be a Lifetime movie, you can definitely except a lot of drama and different twists and turns and Lifetime movies are like my guilty pleasure that I try to keep under control, so I'm already excited for this.

So, those are all the movies for which I could find trailers for this upcoming week. I'm definitely excited for all of them. I had fun with this review sesh and I really hope that you've found something to get excited about for this last week before the new year starts.

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