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23 Reasons Nick Miller Is The Perfect Valentine For Every Single College Girl

"I'm the guy you find yourself spending more and more time with until you meet your husband."

23 Reasons Nick Miller Is The Perfect Valentine For Every Single College Girl

Nick Miller is every college girl's dream and here's why:

1. He can make you any drink

Hey, I never said it had to taste good...

2. He's not afraid to be silly

And we all know silly boys are the best

3. He'll play "True American" with you

And be able to out drink you like a frat boy

4. He'll do the unexpected

Like kiss you when you weren't expecting it

5. He'll make you feel like the most special girl

Even before you're dating

6. He'll believe in you

Especially when you need it most

7. He'll make this face when brushing his teeth

Just wow

8. He knows how to dance


9. He doesn't see how special he really is

Because in reality, he's going to be your husband

10. He believes in conspiracy theories

And so do you.

11. He's funny

But he won't be trying to be.

12. He loves his best friend

Which is important since he'll need a best man at the wedding.

13. He's not afraid to speak his mind

Besides, this statement is accurate

14. He'll blow your mind

In every sense

15. He likes alcohol as much as you

Maybe even more

16. He'll laugh at your jokes

Even if they're not funny

17. He'll tell you how he feels

And he's not afraid to admit it

18. He'll spend time with you

Which is honestly the basis for every relationship, but nowadays, it's hard to find

19. He'll rock your beanies

And not be ashamed of it

20. He has good intentions

Despite thinking otherwise, Nick really means the best

21. He likes being in bed as much as you do

Enough said

22. He gets excited over the little things

And it's quite amusing to watch

23. He'll love you with everything he's got

Anything you want, he'll do it because he loves you

And THAT is why Nick Miller is perfect for any of us college girls

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