10 Times Your Heart Knows Before Your Head That It's Time To Break Up | The Odyssey Online
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10 Times Your Heart Knows Before Your Head That It's Time To Break Up

If you clicked on this article hoping for a sign, this is it.

10 Times Your Heart Knows Before Your Head That It's Time To Break Up
Instagram - @couple.goal___

*disclaimer* DON'T come crying to me if you break it off with "the one" just because I told you to... I'm no expert, so take my advice with a grain of salt.

Most couples go through hard times, everyone argues, everyone has moments where they feel nothing but doubts. And while these moments are healthy, there comes a point when you have to take a step back and decide if it's worth it. Is it healthy? Do you feel negative emotions than positive ones?

Here are a few reasons you may want to call it quits:

1. They're clingy and encourage you to bail on friends to spend time with them

If your significant other gets upset when you leave them to hang out with your friends, there might be a problem. Everyone has their days, this doesn't include times when a loved one has died, or they failed a big exam, lost a job, etc. That's reasonable, but do not be one of those people that allow's their relationship to keep them away from their own family and friends.

2. You're clingy and encourage them to bail on friends to spend time with you

See above... Break up with them. Get a therapist. Learn to love yourself. Learn to love spending time with yourself.

3. You're constantly arguing

It's a red flag if you argue all the time, don't you get tired of arguing every other day? You may keep fighting over the same things. Or that one big thing. And no matter what happens, you never resolve it. And you can't get past it. And it's overshadowing all the good things.

You've probably heard that it's healthy for couples to fight and that's is true to an extent, but arguing constantly isn't normal. If you find yourself picking fights more often than you have positive communication, then it's time to call it quits.

4. The quirky habits that used to be cute are now driving you crazy

When you first met it was super adorable that they never did laundry or cleaned their room, not so adorable anymore is it? If your S.O. isn't willing to step up and make productive changes to their lifestyle, then forget it, drop them, and find yourself a real grown up.

5. You want different things

Kids. Jobs. Lifestyles. These are big life decisions that you need to be on the same page about. Honestly, couples who are willing to make sacrifices for each other are probably much happier. My grandma used to say,

"The best way to lead to divorce is marrying someone exactly like you, there is no balance, no compromise, and no one to push you to be better."

But no matter how much you love someone, sometimes life will take you in different directions. If you really want that job on the other side of the world and your partner really doesn't want to leave, you don't have to compromise, or maybe you do, but if you can't, then it might mean it's time to move on.

6. And on that note... You are waiting for them to give in

If you're waiting for your partner to change their mind about wanting kids, getting married, etc. If you're hoping they'll get over their anger problems, and wishing they could just adjust their personal and moral values to match your own.

Just...don't. Cut your losses, if you've already discussed and they aren't willing to budge, waiting it out won't make a difference.

7. One of you is hung up on an ex

This should be an automatic deal breaker for any relationship. No relationship can move forward if someone is still living in the past.

When you start a new relationship, it's easy to have butterflies and feelings of excitement that distract you from lasting feelings for old flings or your inability to move on from the serial cheater, but when you or your partner are hung up on an ex, things are going to get way more complicated then you'd like, not for the better.

8. You cry just as much as you smile

There is no reason why you should cry anywhere as much as you smile, unless you're like me and cry at EVERYTHING, then don't take that as a red flag.

But always remember, know your worth, and then add tax.

9. You just keep thinking about it

You don't have to have a reason. If you just can't stop feeling like you don't want to be in the relationship anymore, then it's time to go. You might feel sad, but you might also feel relieved, and if you feel guilty remember you are doing them a favor by letting them go instead of dragging them along through a one-sided relationship.

10. You were hoping for a sign

LET THEM GO! Go forth, be free, take that trip for one to the day-spa, or order that sashimi for two all for yourself. (My dad does this. It's very weird. Also, he is also very married.)

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