The Reality Of A Jersey Shore Beach Day Vs. Your Insanely High Expectations | The Odyssey Online
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The Reality Of A Jersey Shore Beach Day Vs. Your Insanely High Expectations

The Reality Of A Jersey Shore Beach Day Vs. Your Insanely High Expectations

You wake up bright and early to head to the Jersey Shore beaches for a nice day of tanning and relaxation. You grab some coffee on the way and your quick drive down the parkway with the windows down and the music blasting gets you pumped for your perfect day that lies ahead. Parking is a breeze and you get onto the beach within minutes. The sand feels like a dream under your feet. You put your towels down on the sand and a few beach chairs around it. Your cooler is filled with drinks and snacks, you have a great book to read and music to listen to. The sounds of the waves crashing make everything even better and you could stay there all day long, and what a perfect beach day this would be. The problem is: that will never happen at the Jersey Shore.

In reality, if you don't leave at the perfectly exact time, you'll sit on the Garden State Parkway for two plus hours instead of the quick 40 minute drive you're supposed to have.

You finally arrive and wait in a 20 minute line to park in the lot since there are no more spots on the street and the street parking is only TWO HOURS (who only goes to the beach for two hours?) to find that the lot is completely full, so eventually you find another one and pay the insanely overpriced $20 just to park your car.

You then wait on the ridiculously long line to pay the price of $7 to actually get onto the beach (isn’t this a public place, shouldn’t it be free?).

After these dreadful few hours your feet touch the sand and it's nothing like you could've imagined. It's so hot that you feel like you're walking on hot rocks and the bottom of your feet burn to no end, not to forget about the shelly sand that feels like glass cutting through your skin with every step you take.

You’ve finally found a spot! In between a huge group of obnoxious young teenagers who think they're cooler than every single person on the beach, a gross lovey-dovey couple that should probably get a room, and five families with crying babies and screaming kids running around everywhere and throwing sand all over everyone around them.

Now your towel's down, the sunscreen's on, the music's playing and you've finally laid down to relax and bronze. But just kidding, there's no relaxing here. The beach is so overcrowded that there’s barely any room to walk and with so many people walking on and off the beach, the amount of sand kicked onto you and your towel could make a whole sand castle. The kids never stop screaming and everyone is so insanely close to each other so there's no peace and quiet on these beaches.

Your spot is also so far back from the water that the ocean breeze you've longed for all winter long doesn't even reach your coveted beach spot. You have to walk through the lava and dodge all of the umbrellas, towels and other people to finally reach the shelly and rocky water. But who even wants to go in the ocean with all of these recent shark attacks and unknown poisonous sea animals coming ashore?

After approximately three to four hours you’ve probably had enough of the overcrowded, loud and stressful beach day that you drove two hours for. So you and your sunburnt self leave the beach to drive home and you couldn’t be happier to leave the mess of the Jersey Shore behind.

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