Everyone has that one best friend that becomes attached to their hip, almost to the point of other friends, professors or even parents think you're gay for each other? Yeah. those friends. Those friends are the best friends you could ever have. Keep them and hold on to them.
1. Asking your best friends "the bangs" question.
"Should I get bangs?" is almost as serious as deciding to take the next step with the boy you've been talking to for a while. It requires hours of endless bickering and going back and forth. After the bickering, you realize that bangs are ultimately a terrible idea because it requires you to cut the hair that you've been trying to grow out since you were in the seventh grade.
2. Compliments.
Compliments from your best friend are the most amazing way to make your day better, because they see the best in you. I don't think a day goes by where my best friend and I don't text each other, "Hey, just letting you know, you're absolutely beautiful and anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong.", or something of that nature. I don't know what I'd do without her.
3. The rescue.
It takes a special relationship to do the rescue correctly, whether it's, "Hey, I'm going on a Tinder date, I'm gonna send you my location and drop a pin. If I text you SOS, please come save me." Or you're at the club or a bar and some creep is hitting on you, you could easily pretend to be a lesbian, or say you have to go to the bathroom in which the text should be sent.
4. Brutal honesty.
If you can't be honest with your so-called best friend, then are they really your best friend? She tells me anything — "Your top is too low cut," "Your dress is too short," "You deserve better treatment from men." They may not come out of her mouth often, but she's the most amazing person.
5. What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine.
This applies so often for us, especially when she and I lived together. My sweatshirts were hers, her laundry detergent was mine. Food was shared often. Best friends are the most amazing human beings, never take advantage of them.
6. Having a personal stylist or DJ.
She tells me what to wear when I'm too lazy to figure it out myself, especially when it comes to dates or sorority meetings. As for the DJ comments, a lot my friends and I have similar music tastes. We can go from Broadway Musicals, to early 2000s hits, to punk to country within the same hour.
7. Fun enforcement.
As far as this point goes, most of the people in my friend group have some form of depression or anxiety or both. So most of us now how to handle each other when we have hit, what we call "the wall", this is a concept that we've hit a crazy point where we break down and cry or become silent. We tend to get in the car and drive and "ugly sing" songs. It's crazy, but very, very fun.
8. We can't stop talking about each other.
Which, when you think about it, is really sad because I can't have a conversation without saying, "Oh, my gosh, Ashley did this" or, "Zachary said that," or something similar. I absolutely love these people.
9. Confidence boosters.
Confidence boosters keep most friendships alive to be honest. You think that boy is cute? Go talk to him. You want to get an A on a test? Let's go study together. You're going on a date? You go girl. Slayyyy. He's gonna love you just as much as I love you.
Anyways, after reading this article, you should probably reevaluate who you consider your best friend now. They're great people, don't take advantage of them, because if you do, they won't be around for very long. If you want to watch the full video watch it here: