There is one quality everyone has whether they recognize it or not. It is something that lives deep within a person and is used for things like doing well on a test, learning a new skill, or even finishing a race. That quality is determination.
So many people say they are determined to do something, such as get in shape, finish a book or work on a new hobby of theirs. But when it comes down to it, they don’t actually have the motivation or determination to actually finish (or start) what they want to accomplish.
But if you can find your inner strength, you can do anything. Even though there will always be people who you think are braver, stronger or smarter than you, you have something they don’t — your own personal willpower and determination.
Sometimes determination is the only thing that allows a person to complete something; wanting something just isn't enough at times. You can be good at one thing or another, but there is nothing pushing you to do it.
This is where the real you comes in. Where you see what you're actually made of. Look deep within yourself, and pull out that strength you've been saving because when you put your mind and your heart in it, you can accomplish anything.
Listening to motivational speeches will do nothing for you until you do something for yourself. It doesn't even matter what that may be. It could be something as small as making a phone call or going outside. Just make sure you give it your best. Nothing is better than your best because your best means you're trying.
Decide to push yourself harder than you ever have before, and you will appreciate yourself more for it. You are the only person who can change your life. Today is the day you decide to actually learn that new skill or compete in that race because you will be so proud of yourself, and it will be something you can look back on to help you to do more in the future.