How a Simple Phrase Changed My Outlook on an Unfortunate Situation | The Odyssey Online
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How a Simple Phrase Changed My Outlook on an Unfortunate Situation

Covid-19 sucks, and so does quarantine. But five simple words has helped me protect my spirit, and maybe they'll help you too.

How a Simple Phrase Changed My Outlook on an Unfortunate Situation

With the last six days from hell taking up most of my time and thoughts, finding the energy to nourish myself and my soul has been incredibly difficult. We've been forced back into quarantine due to a spike in Covid-19 cases at Providence College, information from the school is unclear, and people that I love and care about are being sent home with no indication of when I'll be able to see them again. And being stuck in the house with the same people for a long period of time can be exhausting, no matter how much you love them.

As we all know, negative energy and thoughts are a common occurrence amongst quarantine periods, and getting out of this funk sometimes feels like an impossible feat. This is my second time going through this: having my whole world rocked and brought to a standstill because of an invisible virus that wreaks havoc on any community it reaches. And having been through this once, I vowed to myself to learn from those past experiences, and try to make it better this time around.

Someone very important to me recently said, "your energy is your own," and man did it stick with me. An incredibly tense living situation combined with the virus has sent me into a spiral like no other. There have been long nights lying awake crying, venting sessions with my friends and mom trying to make sense of everything, falling behind on schoolwork, and the feeling of the weight of the world on my shoulders 24/7. But those five words have gotten me through these last six days, and will help me through the rest of this crazy, uncertain time. "Your energy is your own." So simple, yet so powerful. Other people may be negative, they may try to suck you in or drag you down, but letting them get away with that only hurts you in the long run. You are in control of your life: the people and things you surround yourself with, the ways you nourish your mind, body, and soul, the people you follow on social media, the shows you watch, the books you read, you name it! And if something does not serve a positive purpose in your life, if it does not make you your best self, then you should not give it the ability to impact your energy and your spirit. Their energy can be theirs, yours can be yours, and mine can be mine. We can coexist in the same universe, but we can no longer allow another's spirit to drag ours down.

With everything going on in our world right now, we can't afford to let other people and other things dictate our feelings and our existence. We are all beautiful, and strong, and light – and when we take control of our energy as our own, we are unstoppable. Especially now, when the sky seems like it's falling and there is no end in sight we have to be kind to ourselves and protect our energy. Being sucked down a blackhole by other people, places, and things will only make the situation worse. So find nourishment and joy in every day: talk to people who make your soul smile and tummy hurt from all the laughter, watch a show and eat a snack that makes you feel warm inside. Protect your energy because it is your own and no one else's… I know I will.

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