I have mood swings. It’s normal. Days where I am extremely extroverted, and days where I am very introverted. I can’t tell myself when I go to sleep at night that the next morning, I am going to wake up with a beaming smile across my face and then will to do anything. Life just doesn’t work like that. And I am OK with it.
There are days when I will look at my phone and just see it light up with messages, emails, and snapchats, but I could care less (as you can guess by now, today is one of those days as I am writing this article).
I am the type of person who has the read receipts on, so my friends know that I got their message, and to let some people know I could be a little petty at times too – you can’t take life too seriously! I will go hours without opening messages, knowing that they are on my phone, I am purposely ignoring them so I don't feel obliged to respond.
Group messages are the worst (friends, I still love you). My phone is constantly blowing up, sometimes receiving hundreds of messages in the small time span of one hour. I don’t have the will to read them as the messages are coming in, so once I finally do, I have to take five minutes to catch up on all that happens.
To my friends, don’t think I am ignoring you if I do not answer right away. I just need to have some moments to myself. I know you guys have these moments too.
I need to be alone sometimes. To think about where I am at currently: mentally, physically, most importantly, emotionally.
Sometimes it could just be for fifteen minutes, a little time to recuperate. Other times, I need an entire day to myself. It comes in waves, changing in sizes and power.
Just know, that this is normal, the want to be alone. It’s a good thing, to be able to be alone and be content with it.
Take time for yourself when you can, because there will be points in all of our lives where we need a break, but there is no time to do so.
You don’t always need to go out to the bar, you don’t have to.
Enjoy life, whether you are feeling extra extroverted, or introverted. Embrace the way you are feeling and ride with it.