Perfect Golden Syrup Substitute Recipe
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Perfect Golden Syrup Substitute Recipe

A recipe for homemade golden syrup was extremely requested when I published the Larger Bolder Baking Cookbook due to its appearance in several recipes. I was listening, Bold Bakers! So I've come up with the perfect Golden Syrup Substitute.

Perfect Golden Syrup Substitute Recipe

Hi Bold Bakers!

A recipe for homemade golden syrup was extremely requested when I published the Larger Bolder Baking Cookbook Cookbook due to its appearance in several recipes. I was listening, Bold Bakers! So I've come up with the perfect Golden Syrup Substitute.

Golden syrup is a very well-known ingredient for baking in Ireland. It is used in cakes and steamed sponge puddings as well as a major ingredient in making Honeycomb at home. It's a rice, caramel-colored syrup that is often utilized in recipes that typically make use of corn syrup. It can be made at home with just three ingredients.

What Is Golden Syrup?

It's a dark amber-colored version of sugar inverted syrup created by processing to refine sugar cane as well as sugar beet juice sugar. It's utilized in a wide range of dessert recipes and baking recipes which you can find below. A popular ingredient for baking in Europe as well as Australia.

What Is Golden Syrup in America?

Another syrup that you could compare it to in terms of the color and texture is darker corn syrup. Personally, I believe that golden syrup has a caramel flavor. This syrup substitute is perfect in the event that you are unable to purchase it.

What Uses Golden Syrup?

Many delicious European, Australian, and New Zealand recipes call for golden syrup because we do not have access to corn syrup as those in the US or Canada. We usually include it in Sticky Toffee pudding as well as biscuits, treacle puddings along with one of my favorite recipes, Homemade Honeycomb.

The reason I decided to create this substitution was that I had a few recipes in my book which require golden syrup and if you own My bigger and bolder Baking Cookbook Cookbook then you'll be able to use this substitution.

What Can Be Substituted for Golden Syrup?

This is the most suitable alternative to a tin golden syrup. It has the same texture, thickness and caramel tone and taste that is exclusive with golden syrup. If you're seeking a different option, you can use dark corn syrup. I would not recommend replacing it for maple syrup because it won't react the same way.

How can I store it?

It is possible to store the substitute in a glass jar or other sealed container that is airtight at room temperatures. It's not required to be refrigerated in the same way that you wouldn't refrigerate honey, corn syrup and maple syrup.

It also will last quite a long duration. The recipe states that it should last at least 8 weeks, however it will last for a longer time than the 8 weeks. If you imagine it as corn syrup and keep it properly it won't ever expire.

Tips and tricks for making an Golden Syrup Substitute

  • Caramel making is a slow and slow process. Do not increase the temperature and try to hurry it
  • Make use of a heavy-bottomed pot to create the golden syrup substitute since it's ideal to use it for caramel making
  • Check out the video so that you can see the exact appearance and texture as my syrup
  • Keep in an airtight jar with an appropriate lid

Perfect Golden Syrup Substitute Recipe

If you're running out of Golden Syrup or find yourself having a recipe calling for it, but you're unable to obtain it, I'll show you how to make the perfect Golden Syrup Substitute recipe!

Servings: 2 cups


  • 1/2 cup (4oz/115g) sugar
  • 1 cup (2floz/57ml) water
  • 2 1/4 cup (18oz/507g) sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups (10 1 fl oz/296ml) boiling water
  • One tablespoon of lemon juice


Cook half a cup of sugar, and one cup of water in a medium-sized heavy-bottomed saucepan on medium or low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Bring to a simmer , and caramelize until an amber/golden hue develops, which takes between 8 and 10 minutes. If you're able, spray the edges of the pan with water to remove the sugar build-up so the caramel doesn't form a crystal.

After the caramel has formed then add the rest of the sugar. Slowly, add the lemon juice and boiling water. Be cautious when adding the liquid since the caramel will begin to bubble quickly. Whisk until the caramel is combined. Be aware that sugar can get clumped, but don't panic, continue whisking, and the lumps will disintegrate.

On low or medium heat, continue to simmer for approximately 17-20 minutes. You want an amber-colored, rich color as well as a slightly thickened consistency.

Remove the syrup from the stove and allow for cooling completely. The syrup will begin to thicken once it is completely cool.

Make sure to pour the rich, cool home-made golden syrup into the jar. keep it at room temperature in a cabinet for at least 8 weeks. Be aware that if the syrup is too stiff, return it to the stove and thin it with water until it reaches that thick syrup. If it's too thin after cooling completely, put it back into the stove for another couple of minutes to thicken further.
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