An Open Letter To Anti-Feminists
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An Open Letter To Anti-Feminists

Because God forbid you might be a feminist too.

An Open Letter To Anti-Feminists
Rights of Women

Whether you are afraid of the term feminism, ashamed to be labeled as a "feminist," or are just completely against the entire concept of feminism then please continue reading. I hope to provide you with perspectives that will expand your horizons, educate you on this global issue and help you see that God forbid you might be a feminist too.


By definition feminism is the belief in social, political, and economical equality of the sexes. Many people assume that if you are a feminist, you hate men. That is not true - it simply is, that because I am a woman I should not be viewed any less than a man, but instead respected equally. As a woman, I should be judged by my character and my credentials, not by my gender.


Just like any religion, we pick and choose what we want to believe and how we wish to practice our beliefs. To be a feminist, you do not have to go out and march and wear a shirt that shows your nipples. Just by recognizing gender issues on a global spectrum, and the changes that still need to be made makes you a feminist.


Feminists notice the issues that are occurring for both men and women. Feminists want to break down the stereotypes. For example, men should not have to be strong, dominant, successful, protective, masculine and be the income of the family to be considered a man. Just like a woman should not have be submissive, sensitive, caring, feminine and emotional to be classified as a woman. Instead, feminists want our society to allow men and women to both be vulnerable, successful, emotional and both have an equal say.


With every movement, there are extremes. People who feel empowered, and stray away from the overall purpose. Some people wish to spread awareness and get attention to the issue, so they act out in extreme ways. But that is how they express their movement. Just like how people within different religions will practice their teachings in more extreme ways then others. But that is not the religion, that is the people and how they choose to practice.


Feminists don't just live in the USA, they live all over the globe, and want change everywhere. Think about the women in Saudi Arabia that can't drive, or speak out. Who speaks for them? We use our voice and our privilege to speak out for them.


Men are aware of the the daily issues and pressures that they have living in our society. For instance, suicide is the biggest killer of men between 20 and 49, eclipsing road accidents, cancer and coronary heart disease. Think about how different our world would be for the livelihood of men and women, if there were no gender stereotypes. If men can be emotional, then statistically there will be less suicides. And if men don't have to be strong and dominant, then less women may be abused.


Take a step back, and understand where you come from. The privileges you have, simply shape your perspectives. You may disagree with everything I say, and that is your opinion. But do not be ignorant to the real events and issues taking place in today's world. Instead, educate yourself on global issues and get involved.


Movements have been occurring since the early 1500's. For those of you who think "marching is a waste of time" and "does nothing" look at history. The Civil Rights Movement, French Revolution, Gandhi's Salt March, Martin Luther King's March on Washington, Tiananmen Square March in Beijing, Berlin Wall, Iraq War, The Orange Revolution in Ukraine, Sherman's March to the Sea, The Bataan Death March, The March from Selma to Montgomery, and of course the Women's March all made a difference. These marches and protests were formed to recognize the injustices in their society, and the changes that needed to be made.


As a female, walking alone is terrifying. We live in a society where "cat calling" is a compliment, objectification of female bodies is "natural", and victim-blaming attitudes are the norm. Feminists want all genders to feel safe walking outside, without feeling intimated. Think about the LGBTQ+ community, who speaks for them and their safety? Feminists.


So you say that you have never felt oppressed, or treated differently because of your gender? Interesting. You, my friend, are privileged, and there is nothing wrong with that. But, what is wrong, is being ignorant and assuming that everyone is privileged. Privilege is when you think something is not a problem, because it's not a problem to you personally.

Feminists are aware that there are policies and laws that do not protect individuals basic rights because of their gender. Since you are privileged, you do not have to worry about many of the gender issues addressed. But just because you don't, doesn't mean that someone else doesn't. Not all feminists have to have been oppressed, but they use their voice to speak out for those who can't.

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