The semester has finished. You watched your friends walk across the stage and receive their diplomas. You cried thinking about not seeing them every day next year. And then it hits you; in less than a year, you will be the one walking across the stage to receive your degree. You are now the college senior.
Three years have passed and a whole bunch of emotions are flooding in. This summer is the one before your final year of college. You will have your last first day of undergrad in September. You will start preparing to face the real world. How did we get here? How have 3/4 of our college career flashed before our eyes?
Time flies when you're having fun they say. You have been making lasting memories, spending countless hours in the library to ace that exam, and now you look ahead and see there is only one year between you and the real world. The time you will have to face the facts of life and take that degree you been working towards and make something of it.
But before all of the real world and reality set in, here's some advice. This is our time. It is our last year of undergrad. We need to spend every moment making memories with the friends that turned into family. We need to have a little too much fun one night and stay up eating pizza and gossiping 'till the sun rises. We need to spend our time with the people who have become the most important part of our college lives. We need to go to that party, buy those game tickets, and make memories before it is time to be an adult and make a difference in the world.
College is not just about studying every day and earning your degree. You should be able to look back on college and laugh, cry, and smile at all the lifelong memories and friendships you have made. You should be excited to end this chapter of your life with your best friends by your side, and bring them into the next chapter with you. Class of 2017, this is our time to make the days we have left together count. Time will fly, and before we know it, we will be lined up, ready to walk across that stage as our names are called and be handed the degree we worked so hard for over the past four years. So make every moment count, and when the time comes, don't regret a second of what senior year has in store for us.