Obama's Sickest Moments
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Obama's Sickest Moments

Regardless of your political stance, you have to admit, Obama is a pretty neat dude.

Obama's Sickest Moments

Barack Obama has been the President of the United States for the past eight years. When he was first elected president, I don't think anyone had an ounce of an idea just how, for lack of a better term, sick as hell he is. No matter what your political views are, you have to give the man some credit; he is probably the most hilarious and hip president this nation has ever had. The man is chill and relatable and charming and clever and everything you could ever want in a human being. I have done my research and let me enlighten you, in no particular order, on what exactly are some of Obama's sickest moments during his presidency.

1. He is a fighter.

He is a fun guy, I swear, but don't try crossing him or else he will cut you down. No force needed.

2. He killed a fly with his BARE HANDS.

After killing it he said "that was pretty impressive wasn't it? I got the sucker." So swift, so quick, Obama will not let any jerk interrupt his interviews.

3.This Mr. President is almost as tough as Superman.

It is not often that anyone dares to flex and show off their mad bicep gains against America's toughest Superhero.

4. He oozes some serious confidence.

Obama posted this picture on his instagram with a caption that said nothing more than "Still got it." He is a true inspiration to the less confident. We all want to still have it like you, Mr. O.

5. The man's got sass.

At the 2014 White House Correspondent's Dinner Barack Obama shot out one seriously great zinger, "I'm feeling sorry for the Speaker of the House, as well. These days, House republicans give John Boehner a harder time than they give me. These days, orange really is the new black." POTUS said this, not some Jimmy Fallon comedian!

6. His dance moves are killer.

Is this a politician or is it Julianne Hough??

7. He will not hesitate to use his power for the sake of a joke.

Using his executive order, Mr. Obama made a Comedian Stephen Colbert get all of his hair shaved off by a U.S. General after performing for soldiers in Iraq.

8. Our President is smooth as shit.

After he announced the death of Osama Bin Laden, Obama did the most successful swag walk away from the microphone imaginable.

9. The President is the most smug man alive.

When Barack Obama was giving his 2015 State of the Union Address, he said "I have no more campaigns to run... I know because I won both of them."

10. The King of Sass could be another name for our current POTUS.

On Jimmy Kimmel Live, in the segment where celebrities read mean tweets about themselves, Obama read aloud one by Donald Trump. His read aloud Trump's tweet of "President Obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States!" His response to Trump was "Really? Well, @RealDonaldTrump, at least I will go down as president."

11. He can pardon a turkey like no other.

Obama's 2015 pardoning of the turkey, Abe, was packed full of the best dad jokes a dad can make. He spoke about how fast the year was going by, saying, "time flies, even if turkeys don't." POTUS wanted to get a laugh out of his daughters so he snuck up in a chuckle bus with "Abe is now a free bird, he's TOTUS -- Turkey of the United States."

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