2016. What a year. Look back and think about all the times this world made you smile. Remember the moments that made you genuinely happy. Maybe it was getting lost in the music at your favorite festival or traveling and seeing all the beauty this world has to offer. Maybe it was opening your card on bid night or competing for the first time with your collegiate team. Now remember all the times you WISH you did something but didn't. Looking back I bet you wish you didn't waste a single moment. Think about what you would have done differently.
365 days. That's all you get. Make this new year unforgettable. Start going to the gym everyday like you keep telling yourself you will. Start reading. Save your money and spend it on an adventure, a memory, not something materialistic. Try hard in school and study. Study a lot. Learn how to manage your time and make the most of every waking moment. Wake up early and get things done. It’s time to focus on you and nobody else. It’s time you rely on yourself for happiness and no one else. It’s time to make dreams come true and obtain the impossible.
Everything you've ever wanted can be yours, but you gotta sacrifice, you gotta work. You gotta want it more than anything else. Forget the distractions. Make your dreams a reality, one step at a time, the time is now. Page one of 365. Make each one count. I expect great things from you. You will never look back and regret the work you put in, you will only regret the work you didn’t. You will never regret wasting your time on things that make you better.
Seize the moment and every opportunity. Make memories. Make friends, and drop the fake ones. You don’t anyone in your life that doesn't make you happy. Be your own person in 2017. Make yourself valuable. Be the one that has it together. New year, new you? No. New year, BETTER you.