NBA Bounces Back | The Odyssey Online
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NBA Bounces Back

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NBA Bounces Back

The NBA season is underway, and that means the Chicago Bulls will be in action soon.

I don't always love Chicago teams. I hate the Bears, mainly because of Jay Cutler, and I love the Pirates so the White Sox, but especially the Cubs, are out. However, the Bulls are a team I can get behind. No, it wasn't easy to see Rose go down so frequently. No, it wasn't easy to watch Chi-Town struggle to stay competitive with King James. Nevertheless, I stand by the Bulls.

Now, Rose is gone. I wish him the best, but he has made this season very interesting. Now that the Bulls have remodeled, I honestly can't wait to see what they do. Jimmy Butler is blossoming into a bright star in the league, and he has the hometown kid on his side to accelerate his learning even more.

D-Wade is the new ageless wonder for the NBA. Every year I ask myself, "How much more can he give? How many more minutes does he have?" One thing is for sure, he is a leader where ever he goes. Jimmy Butler knows the team's system better, but Wade knows the NBA better.

The team also has Rajon Rondo on the roster. Rondo's vision and flash will make the Bulls a fun team to watch. He is a hot-head, but he is an intelligent point guard. He has play-makers around him, and I think his assist total will skyrocket this season.

The team also has the Summer League's MVP, Valentine. Though he is a rookie, I believe he will have an immediate and positive impact on the roster.

The team has a certain level of optimism to it. Until the season starts, the above article is all speculation, but I'm excited to see the Bulls run this season. Will they take home the title? I can hope, but I doubt it. If Cleveland doesn't stop them, Golden State (among others in the Western Conference) will be ready for them. However, they will put up a good fight. I feel this team will make the playoffs because I don't know if there are 8 teams in the East better than they are.

Regardless, I'm pretty hyped to see how the ball bounces this season. It should be fun watching GSW recreate some showtime basketball, but I'll still be looking forward to the Bulls above all else.

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