10. Extra Blankets | The Odyssey Online
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12 Must-HaveĀ Items For Your First Apartment Or Dorm Room

I am three years into college and these are the items I could not live without.

12 Must-HaveĀ Items For Your First Apartment Or Dorm Room

As I am getting ready to move into my new apartment on campus, my roommates and I have been discussing some of the items we will need to bring individually. Which got me to thinking that since July is quickly coming to an end, everyone will be back to school shopping soon. So why not write about the items that some people may forget or think about getting when it comes to their first apartment too. Without a further ado, here are 12 must-have items for your first apartment or dorm room that you may not have even thought about or need to get a replacement.

1. Vacuum

Dirt Devil Vacum Cleaner Quick Lite

This may be the one thing you will forget about when you are last minute purchasing items for your new apartment. Trust me, if you are bringing a rug then you will want a vacuum to clean up those pesky messes that WILL happen. My mom bought this extremely expensive Dirt Devil vacuum from Amazon that is literally the best vacuum I have ever used. But I found this one, in the picture above, on Amazon for a little bit cheaper and the reviews are also pretty good too.

2. Cleaning Supplies

Clorox Value Pack Scented Disinfecting Wipes

10/10 would recommend going to the Dollar Tree or anywhere where you can get a plethora of cleaning supplies for a cheap price. You won't use them as much as you think, but if you are a slight OCD germaphobe -- like me -- then you will especially want to get a triple pack of Clorox cleaning wipes. These things were made by God himself, I swear on my life they are amazing. Plus you can buy them in value packs, so you can have plenty to spread around your apartment.

3. Coffeemaker/Keurig

Keurig K15 Single-Serve K-Cup Pod Coffee Maker

This one is pretty obvious, but if you love to drink coffee it is a must. Not only will it save you the hassle of waiting in line at Dunkin' Donuts or Starbucks, but it will also save a ton of money. If you are also like me and collect coffee mugs or tumblers, then you are also being eco-friendly and using less waste!

4. Coasters

Marble Stackable Coasters

Such a small item, but it makes all the difference. One of my biggest pet peeves is the condensation left from drinks. Coasters are a must in my house at home and I have brought that annoying trait with me to college too. Plus it gives the apartment a more clean look when you don't have coffee rings all around the tables. Target usually has some cute ones, but I would also hit up IKEA to see if they have a couple of cheap and cuter options.

5. Water Pitcher/Brita

Brita Grand 10 Cup Water Pitcher

I am not a huge fan of having to use plastic since it is bad for the environment. So instead, try buying a water pitcher/Brita systems -- they work wonders. Especially if your apartment runs off of city water, then it can help to filter out anything that may have ended up in the pipes.

6. Oil Diffuser

URPOWER 2nd Version Essential Oil Diffuser

If you living on campus, or in an apartment that does not allow candles, a great alternative is an oil diffuser. Amazon sells a ton of cute and pretty cheap ones. I bought one my sophomore year of college and I literally use it every day. The one I have is listed above. It also changes colors, so you can change it to whatever mood you are feeling that day! Plus you can use a ton of different scents and change up how the room smells every day.

7. Ottoman

Ottoman with Tray - Room Essentials

An ottoman is amazing when it comes to extra storage. I have used mine for a numerous amount of things. For example, when I lived in my sorority house, I used it as a food pantry and placed all the snacks that I didn't want my sisters getting into. While at home, I use it to store all of my unused blankets in. It makes for a great way to put things out of sight and comes in handy when you are like me and pack way too much stuff. They are also nice for putting your feet up or for extra seating.

8. Record Player or Speaker

Victrola Vintage 3-Speed Bluetooth Suitcase Turntable with Speakers

Personally, I prefer record players and they are coming back in style too. The one I have -- which is not the same one listed and pictured above -- has the same options to play Bluetooth or actual records. There is just something about the way vinyl sounds compared to anything else. Filling your apartment with dope music always gives it a more homie and relaxing vibe.

9. Futon

Futon Sofa Black - Room Essentials

A futon is a little bit cheaper than an actual couch, depending on where you go. Plus I would rather my friends accidentally ruin a futon than a couch any day.

10. Extra Blankets

Juwenin Home 100% Cotton Knitted Throw Blanket

First thing I ever learned in college, was to bring a good amount of blankets and sheets with me. That way so when you are doing laundry or take your time doing laundry, you can already have a backup set ready to go. Plus I don't know about you, but I love to curl up in extra throw blankets in the winter.

11. Portable Air Conditioner or Fan

Honeywell HYF290B Quietset 8-Speed Whole Room Tower Fan

One of my friends, who happens to be a Senior now at Butler, told me to include this and she is completely right. I sleep with a fan going every night, not only does it make for a wonderful white noise, but it also helps when you live with someone who loves to keep the air up rather than down. It also helps to keep some circulation going throughout the apartment.

12. Smart LED TV

TCL 32" 720p 60Hz Roku Smart LED TV

There will be nights where you want to just relax and watch Netflix, play games with friends or just have time to yourself. A TV that provides HULU or Netflix already built in is a life saver. It beats having to strain your eyes by watching everything on your tiny computer screen. Plus, having a gaming system, like a Wii or a PlayStation, to go along with your Smart TV always makes for the life of a party. It also becomes an excuse to invite friends over to see your cute new apartment and to have game nights!


I hope that some of these items were somewhat helpful and that they help make your apartment feel like home. Happy new apartment!

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