I’ll let you know from the start, I am easily entertained and think almost anything is funny. But I was able to watch the movie Sing before it officially came out on Wednesday and I just wanted to tell you my thoughts on it.
The opening scene shows the koala Buster Moon, voiced by Matthew McConaughy, narrating the moment he fell in love with theatre and now he was one of the best owners in the world. It’s obvious by the angry workers banging on his door asking why their checks bounced and him climbing out the window to avoid the bank on line two that this was not true.
So Buster has the brilliant idea to stage a singing competition to raise business and “save” his theatre. And this is where it gets good.
The story then follows five (chosen) characters participating in a singing competition for (mistakenly) $100,000. The characters are:
Ash voiced by Scarlett Johansson
Johnny voiced by Taron Egerton
Mike voiced by Seth MacFarlane
And Rosita voiced by Reese Witherspoon
These animals all have a amazing voices as we are immediately shown, but the story takes a turn as we start to see the different reasons as to why they are entering this competition.
For one, it seems to be all about the money, but for another, this is the opportunity to show the world what they’ve been too afraid to show their entire lives.
There’s heartbreak and family issues, there’s greed and anxiety, and the dream of bringing a dying business back from the flames.
Throughout Sing, you could see all of these characters go through their issues, actual issues that held real consequences. But even if they all needed this money for one reason or another, they cheered for each other and became more like a family instead of competitors.
What I loved about Sing was that you fell in love with each character as they showed you an incredibly vulnerable side to them. You were able to see their struggles, their talent, and their dreams all laid out, and in the end when it seemed like everything hit rock bottom, there was only one way to go, up!
Sing is out in theatres now and you should definitely go and watch because it is very uplifting and everyone sounds incredible in it! Go watch it now!!