Money For Me? A Short Story: Part II
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Money For Me? A Short Story: Part II

A Short Story About A College Student That May Or May Not Win In The End.

Money For Me? A Short Story: Part II

This story is a continuation of Money for Me? A short story: Part I. Click this link ( for Part 1 of this story.

When I finally scratched it off, I couldn’t believe what I saw $150,000.

“Oh my goshhh, Amy Amy Amy, I won!”

She looked up from her phone. “Wait, you what?”

“Yes I swear, I won $150,000!” I exclaimed.

She came to me with shock and disbelief all over her face. “What do I do first!” I cried out, I honestly could not believe it. I decided to Facetime my parents, hopefully, they could give me insight on exactly what to do.

By the time I got off the phone with my parents Amy was sound asleep. I was no where close to being tired so I decided to formulate a plan. I had to decide what I was going to do with this money. My parents weren’t much help, they congratulated me and told me to use the money wisely. I got into a comfortable position and grabbed my laptop. I opened up Microsoft notes and on top of the page I wrote Mo money, No problems and underlined it. I wanted to work on a budget that I would be pleased with. As much as I wanted to spread the good news I felt that it was best to keep this sudden fortune on the down-low. I’m not trying to be selfish but I also don’t want everyone being extra nice to me because of the money.

The first thing I was going to do was send $50,000 to my parents. I would then be left with $100,000. As a college student with a driver's license collecting dust in my wallet, it is only right that I buy a car. Upon estimation, the car would approximately be $20,000. Next line of duty would be to award my best friends (oh man, they will love me for this). I think Kate Spade bags would be super cute; along with the bags I could give each friend $3,000. That would cost $12,640 and I would use $2,000 for a shopping spree.

After making the list, I calculated that I would be left with $65,360. A wise person would use the money to invest in the stock market. That is exactly what I intend to do, I will put $1,000 into two stocks. Then, I’ll donate another grand to the wildlife conservation. Now I’m left with $62,000, which is all mine. I picked up my phone and saw 2:45 AM across the screen.

“Oh shoot!” I started to turn off my laptop.

“Huh?” Amy turned to me. “Are you still up? Dude, go to sleep.” She said with sass.

“Yeah, I’m working on it.”

I brushed my teeth then went to sleep bracing myself for tomorrow.

“Good Morning roomieee.”

“Ugh Amy it’s too earl…” I picked up my phone. “Oh my gosh, I’m late.”

I rushed to get ready and scurried to my class. The day dragged on and all I could think about was the 150 grand and my bed. After I was done with classes I went to the student center ordered some sushi and quickly trekked to my room.

I turned on the TV to see my favorite show Big Bang Theory on. “Perfect.”

I opened up my physics and calculus textbooks. I like to do two homework assignments at the same time. It’s kind of a weird habit that stuck with me. To my surprise the sushi tasted better than ever today, considering it’s made in an university kitchen. I was so exhausted when I finished all my work that I quickly did my night routine and knocked out.

I woke up to Amy’s arrival and she looked at my desk, “Really Ellie, 2 lottery tickets?”

“What I didn’t buy anymore.” I looked at my desk and saw 2 lottery tickets that were not touched sitting there.

“Yeaa okay.” She gave me a weird look. Next to me was my homework, yogurt (not yet open), and my laptop on Netflix. This made no sense, it looked like the setup I had two days not last night.

“Amy, by any chance did something exciting happen two nights ago.”

“Yes!” She exclaimed, I started to get excited. “I got an A on a paper I thought I flunked.”

“Congrats! Is that it?” I said skeptically.

“Uh yea. Ellie, are you okay? Are you drunk?”

“No, no I’m fine…. I just had the weirdest dream that I won the lottery and it felt so real.”

Amy smiled. “That’s not weird, that sounds like a good dream. At least you still have those two lottery tickets.”

“Doesn’t hurt to give it a try right?” I shrugged.

I hopped off my bed and grabbed the two tickets. I started with the first ticket scratching off each number row by row and I won nothing. “Welp that one is a goner.” I sighed.

“Come on, try the next one. You never knoww.” She sung the last word.

I grabbed the second ticket, kind of frustrated that it had all been a dream. On both rows I got 150,000 and 500,000. I had to get one more of either.

“Uh Amy.”

“Yea!” She screamed from her closet.

“This ticket looks just like the one in my dream.”

“Keep going!!!”

I started scratching off the last row, I scratched off $50,$20,$2,$100 and the last number I actually hesitated before I scratched it off. The last number was $100, to my surprise the other rows also had $100. This was still a winning, it may not have been the $150,000 but at least it’s something.

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