A Millennial's Passionate Rant About Millennials
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A Millennial's Passionate Rant About Millennials

Contrary to popular belief, millennials aren't all incompetent and lazy.

A Millennial's Passionate Rant About Millennials

It is so incredibly hard to be believe that in less than two months, it will be 2016. But you know what is even harder to believe? Even though it is almost 2016, our world is still so full of discrimination, hunger and war. I have to say, it baffles me how many people are still racists, sexists, homophobic and more. It blows my mind that there are still so many third-world countries, full of starvation and disease. It makes my heart hurt that the world is still so full of terrorists and war; the death count continuously rising.

Maybe these things don't plague your mind the way they plague mine. Maybe it doesn't bother you that white privilege is still very real, or that homosexuals still have to fight for their right to love. Maybe, in spite of all of these things, you still aren't grateful for what you have and continuously want more. Maybe I am just a silly 20-something who has too much optimism for her own good. Maybe it's because I am a millennial.

I've heard it said so many times (in a very sarcastic tone) that millennials are "dreamers." That we have an unrealistic outlook on the world and how it should be; and that we don't actually understand politics, the economy, or the implications of fighting for equality. That we too often dream of a magical land where everyone is ethical and happy with their lives. On the other hand, millennials have been called lazy, entitled and selfish. We have called the "Me Generation" and are said to be too dependent on our parents. We are seen as the generation that has ruined dating and are too reliant on technology. In my opinion, it doesn't add up. How can millennials be fighting for equality, but be incredibly selfish and lazy? How can we be entitled and unaware of the economy, but at the same time racking up debt in order to get a college education and better our futures? How can older generations be so against us? So appalled by our dreamer tendencies?

I am not going to apologize for dreaming. I am not going to apologize for dreaming of a better, more equal world. I don't know about you, but I dream of living in a world where women make just as much money as men. Where black and white are just colors in the crayon box; colors that don't endure unfair judgement or discrimination. I dream of living in a world where you can love whoever you want to love regardless of sex, religion, or race. A world where everyone has access to a quality education and is able to find a career that they are in love with. I dream of living in a world where money is not the only thing that we work for or the only thing that matters. A world where starvation is a thing of the past, and everyone has access to clean water and medical services. I dream of living in a world where people are able to sit down and actually talk through conflict, rather than be forced to use weapons and threats. My dream world consists of these things and so much more. And again, what is so wrong about that? Many millennials, like myself, were raised to be optimistic, accepting individuals. Many of us were raised to understand that every single person on the planet has something new or different to bring to the table, and that even if we disagree, we should still be respectful of those differences. Many of our parents instilled in us that we actually can change the world, and that there is absolutely nothing wrong with having hope.

It truly bothers me that millennials have seen and experienced so many things, yet we're still viewed as incompetent dreamers. Unlike the generations before us, we have been lucky enough to grow up in a time of constant and welcomed change and opportunity. We grew up alongside the growth of technology, able to understand the importance of using it as well as setting it aside. We have seen and participated in the fight for equality, and the legalization of gay marriage. We are able to recall the horrific events of 9/11, and have experienced an economic recession. We have seen the election of a black president, and are currently able to watch two women (Hill and Carly) run for the 2016 spot. While this list could go on and on, the point is, millennials have been through a lot more than anyone gives us credit for. We've been through the good and the bad, yet we're still hopeful.

Maybe with time, we'll become jaded and set in our ways. Maybe as we age, we'll become more like the generations before us. Maybe one day, millennials won't be so full of optimism and hope. Who knows? I sure as hell don't.

What I do know is that I am incredibly thankful that I was raised to be open-minded, accepting and encouraged to dream. I am proud to be a millennial.

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