6 Wellness Tips That Every College Freshmen Should Know
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6 Health & Wellness Tips That Every College Freshmen Should Know

As my first year at FSU is wrapping up, I have learned so many tips on how to manage my overall health.

6 Health & Wellness Tips That Every College Freshmen Should Know
Photo by Milan Popovic on Unsplash

College is weird. Am I an adult? Or am I a student? And why is there a 40-year-old in the desk next to me?

This transition period can be awkward and sometimes confusing, but there are certain elements that have helped me along the way. Something that has been a staple in my life is to strive for a healthy diet and exercise routine. I'm not going to lie, there are times where I eat only pasta and forget to workout for a week straight. But life happens; it's all about how you bounce back from it.

Here are six tips that I've learned to help stabilize my mental/physical health and wellness routine, and I hope you benefit from them as well!

What sparks joy?

College can be overwhelming because there are so many different things that are competing for your attention. From school and homework to other social responsibilities, sometimes I forget to do things that I genuinely enjoy. I was caught up in saying "yes" to all these different obligations, that I neglected my own personal needs. I started to do things that sparked joy for me and brought me genuine happiness. Aside from quality time with my friends, I enjoy activities like tanning, painting, and hanging in my hammock. This is something I make an effort to do because I want to have hobbies that I enjoy, rather than just adding more items to my to-do list. My advice for incoming freshmen: look for things that make you feel curious, excited, and passionate.

Lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil is the nectar of the gods and possesses magical healing properties. Essential oils have many uses, one is to burn in the oil in diffuser. This lavender scent fills the room when I'm feeling stressed and instantly makes me feel more zen. I also keep a bottle to smell before bedtime and it makes me feel more relaxed. Lavender essential oil is also good for cognitive function, headaches, skin irritations, and insomnia.

Desk fruit bowl

Usually, before class in the morning, I don't have much of an appetite. I like to munch on something light or small, so I keep out a fruit bowl on the desk. It has become a decoration in my dorm now, and it's so easy to grab an apple or banana on my way out the door. I like to keep a variety of fruits in the bowl like oranges, avocados, plums, or even tomatoes.

Sleeping mask

As a college student, my sleeping schedule has been compromised. Although I try to sleep in as much as I can, sometimes this isn't always easy because there's morning light and other distractions that cause me to lose sleep. I solved this issue by getting a sleeping mask off Amazon! I sleep with it over my eyes and it helps me not only fall asleep but also to sleep throughout the whole night. This mask has improved my overall quality of sleep and for only $5 it was definitely a great purchase!

Vitamin C and Echinacea

You should always load up on Vitamin C and echinacea. These strengthen your immune system and help keep you from getting sick. Echinacea is a natural herb, derived from the flower. It is proven to help strengthen your immune system. Living in the dorms causes illness to spread so quickly, especially in college when germs are being passed around so easily. A brand I like for Vitamin C is Emergen-C, or even the Target brand Vitamin C tablets work too. During the first semester, I would get sick so often, so these small actions have helped increase my wellness!

Walking often 

I've also managed my fitness routine by walking to and from classes every day. This 20-minute daily walk impacts your overall health in a positive way. Since starting college, I don't feel as guilty about indulging in my favorite treats since I know that I will constantly be walking everywhere! Another factor that contributes to my success is having good, cute walking shoes! Since I'm always on the go it's important to have something to support my feet all day long. I normally rock my Vans or Nike, but some girls even wear Birkenstocks or flip flops!

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