I run into a lot of women who don't believe in love, relationships or marriage. I often find that strange considering from the time I was a little girl I was dreaming up a life where I was a princess happily living with my prince. I planned everything including my dress, flowers, children I would have, and even what music I would play at my "princess" wedding. Marriage wasn't everything to me and it still isn't, but finding that person who you love with your whole heart is everything. I have my priorities and marriage isn't one of them, but happiness is.
Happiness can be a lot of things to a variety of individuals. Some people are pleased with the little things in life, like waking up in the morning after a good night's rest or playing their favorite song. This type of happiness is temporary and can vanish within a couple of hours or more. While I believe being happy over small things is a great way to live, the ultimate goal is to find true and everlasting happiness. As stereotypical as it sounds, I am the girl who watches multiple romantic comedies with a box of tissues nearby. I am the type of girl who has an entire Pinterest board dedicated to her future wedding, down to every small detail. I am the girl who envisions her life as a mother, wife and whatever else she wishes to be in life. I daydream...a lot. Does that make me silly, foolish, unrealistic, or blind? No, not at all. It means I love, love with all of my heart.
Now, don't get me wrong. My happiness doesn't rely on a man's love. However, having someone that loves me unconditionally results in happiness... how couldn't it? I am an independent girl and I am strong when I need to be but I don't want to always have to be strong and cautious. I want to be vulnerable to someone. Opening up to someone doesn't make me weak, it shows that I am strong enough to tell another person my deepest secrets and risk exposure. It takes strength to love and courage to proclaim it. Love isn't a fairy tale and it's never easy, but I believe it is worth it. I love, love and I will never stop believing in love no matter how many heartbreaks I have to go through to get there. Every struggle is worth the end result. Nothing is more rewarding than knowing you are loved and cared for no matter what, that nothing you could wear would make you look any less beautiful in someone's eyes.
I think that the idea of love scares some people and it probably should. Maybe I am naive and maybe I won't ever have the fairy tale I've always dreamed of, but a dream is always worth a risk.