Love On Tour Is Keeping It Sweet In Our Memory | The Odyssey Online
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Love On Tour Is Keeping It Sweet In Our Memory

“Look after each other, I’ll see you again when the time is right. Treat People With Kindness. I love you more than you’ll ever know.” — Harry Styles

Love On Tour Is Keeping It Sweet In Our Memory

Mosh pits, sing alongs, feather boas, friendships, memorable moments, satellite stomps, stage dives, TPWK boot scoot, long drives, and plane rides — Harry Styles’s Love On Tour officially came to an end on July 22nd after a long two year run.

Following his emotional goodbye on stage in Reggio Emilia, Italy, Styles shared a thank-you message on Instagram to all the fans who attended. Styles also shared a video on Instagram and YouTube full of clips from various Love On Tour stops, including shots of himself traveling to the stage in his infamous box, as well as footage of fans interacting with each other and telling stories of their time on the tour.

Considered one of the 10 best-selling tours of all time, Love On Tour started back in September 2021. More than 4.5 million fans came out to see the show, and the tour brought in nearly $600 million dollars by the end of the tour.

Here are some memorable highlights of Love on Tour that made it so memorable.

The Gender Reveal Surprises

One of the standout moments during Harry Styles's Love on Tour was when he went above and beyond to make a couple's gender reveal a night to remember. During a performance in Atlanta, Styles paused the show to invite a couple on stage who had a special announcement to make. The crowd erupted in cheers as the couple shared their joyous news. Back in October 2021, a Nashville fan asked Harry to reveal the sex of her baby. “Woo-hoo, you know, I revel in these moments because I know everything and you don’t,” Styles said before revealing that the fan was having a baby girl. “We’ve got a gender reveal! Are you sure you want to do this with all these people? Here we go! Are you ready to be shooketh, well and truly shooketh?” he said in a June 2023 show at Wembley Stadium before popping a balloon and confirming that a fan was having a baby girl.

Love and Life Advice

Throughout the tour, Harry Styles took the time to share some advice with his fans. At various shows, he would pause between songs and engage with the audience in heartfelt conversations. Styles spoke about the importance of self-love, compassion, and embracing individuality. His words resonated deeply with fans, as he encouraged them to pursue their dreams fearlessly and to spread love and kindness to those around them. At a Germany show in May 2023, Harry offered relationship advice to a fan who admitted that their boyfriend had cheated. They got the singer’s attention with a sign that read, “Should I forgive him?” Harry inquired, “Would you like to take this inquiry to the public?” before the crowd could be heard chanting, “Dump him,” repeatedly. “You seem like a lovely person. I don’t need to know much, but you deserve better,” Harry concluded. “Do whatever makes you happy, okay?”

Helping Fans Come Out

In a world where acceptance and inclusivity are crucial, Harry Styles used his platform to make a significant impact on the lives of some of his LGBTQ+ fans. During a powerful moment at his Los Angeles concert, Styles took the opportunity to address the audience and offer support and love to anyone struggling with their identity. During his Wembley Stadium run, Styles gave a fan a moment they’ll never forget when he helped them come out. The fan brought a sign with him that read, “From Ono to Wembley: Help me come out,” — and of course Styles obliged! “So you would like the people of Wembley to bring you out,” Styles said, which was followed by an eruption of screams. He grabbed a Pride flag and paraded it around the stage, instructing the 90,000-strong crowd to make some noise for the fan. “When this flag goes above my head, you’re officially gay, my boy.”

Unforgettable On-Stage Proposals

Love was truly in the air. Styles witnessed not one, but two on-stage proposals that left the audience in tears of joy. During one of his New York City shows, a couple declared their love for each other in front of thousands, with Styles looking on as a witness to their commitment. Another surprise proposal made the crowd go wild during Harry's Lisbon concert, where the video went viral on TikTok. The fan had a plan to propose to his girlfriend, and the interaction began when he asked if he could borrow Styles’s microphone so he could sing to his girlfriend. Harry asked the arena what they thought, and of course, the swarm of Stylers had his back. When he was given the microphone, the fan turned to his girlfriend and sang some lyrics from Elvis Presley’s Can’t Help Falling in Love, before getting down on one knee and popped the question, where his girlfriend said yes!

Harry Styles and the BeReal Photo

One lucky Love On Tour New York City fan was treated to the ultimate BeReal post when Styles took their phone for a selfie! Harry took the fan's phone and announced to the crowd, “I'll let social media shine!” He grabbed the phone and smiled for the camera, getting some fans in the background in the process. He playfully threw the phone back to the lucky fan and even delivered a pun: “It's real!”

The Madison Square Garden Banner

A standout moment in the Love on Tour series came during Harry Styles's performance at Madison Square Garden. However, it wasn’t just Styles's electrifying performance that stole the show that night. Before he had the chance to sing another song, he was surprised by a massive banner unfurling in the audience, expressing gratitude for his music and love for him. The emotional connection between Styles and his fans was evident as he paused to soak in the moment and expressed his heartfelt appreciation.

Love on Tour was more than just a concert series; it was a celebration of love, acceptance, and shared experiences. Styles proved that he cares deeply for his audience and wants to create a positive impact in their lives. His tour showcased the power of music to bring people together, to inspire change, and to create moments that will be cherished by fans for years to come.

Like Harry said himself: Love on Tour forever.
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