Losing Inspiration And How To Regain It
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Losing Inspiration And How To Regain It

In a world where one day you’re on top and the next day you’re not.

Losing Inspiration And How To Regain It
Lily Rudnick

The last few days for our country have been difficult to say the least. Actually, the last few weeks have been difficult for the world it seems like. In a similar fashion to everyone else, I have been reading articles, watching the news and most of all, watching an immense amount of tension unfold over social media platforms.

Scrolling through Facebook or Twitter, you cannot go for less than five seconds without reading something new about the horrible events that have occurred, and with those posts comes about a huge amount of emotion from those with heavily opposing views. It has become a very "us versus them" kind of world, and it can be so emotionally draining.

But this isn’t going to be another article in a slew of articles spewing a viewpoint into the dark abyss that is the Internet. This is going to be about losing and gaining back inspiration in a world where it is so easy to feel on top one day, and hitting what seems like rock bottom the next. This is going to be about finding your way back to your peak of inspiration and motivation, and staying there, instead of continuing to stand idly by and watch your future pass you by.

For me, during the summer months, I have both my highest inspiration and also my lowest. It can be so easy during this time to stay inside in a cool, air-conditioned place and binge watch Netflix or sleep in until noon. But, it’s also easy to feel so inspired by everything around you: the beach, the city, the people.

This past week, I have definitely felt less inspired and motivated than I usually do. I attribute this to many things, but I think most of it stems from feeling like a bystander to the world. With so many things going on, both good and bad, I’ve seemed to lose my way a bit. I’ve forgotten my drive and passion for certain things and have being feeling lackadaisical towards many things.

But, I’ve decided that there is no reason for me to feel uninspired. In fact, I should feel more inspired than ever during times like these. Inspired to help, to make a difference, to live a life where everyday has a purpose —both big and small. Inspiration can be found in absolutely anything, and that is the beauty of it.

It can be found in your morning cup of coffee, a walk along the beach during sunrise, a good book, an incredible piece of vintage clothing. The list can go on forever. Some of the following things are what I do when I feel like I need to regain my inspiration. But remember, everyone is unique and inspiration is unique, so use this as a jumping off point in order to find your own unique inspiration.

Step away from the screen.

We live in a social media world, and while that is OK the majority of the time, it also can become very draining. Eventually, everything kind of blends together and you see similar posts over and over again, where nothing is ever really getting resolved. Trust me, I’m all for the dog and food videos on Facebook, and I do think sharing your opinions on politics or current events is fine, but instead of that, go out and do those things in person. Pet a dog in real life, cook something from scratch and most importantly, get involved in your local community. If you feel passionate about something, then move it from the screen into real life. You’ll get way more satisfaction, and you’ll have the opportunity to meet like-minded people who have the ability to inspire you to do more, think more and be more.

Clean, reorganize and rearrange.

If your room is a mess, then your life is probably a mess. Just kidding. Sort of. I’m a firm believer that if you have an organized desk or room or even closet, that you will be able to function better. While everyone is different in this sense, I personally need things to be clean and orderly before I can even begin to think about something. Or maybe your room needs a little rearranging for some inspiration to spark. Move your furniture around, paint a mural on your wall, hang things from the ceiling, do whatever it takes to get the creative juices flowing. Throw things out that you never use or better yet donate them. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, right?

Go outside.

It doesn’t matter if you sit in the sun for 15 minutes or four hours, just get outside. Walk around your town, head to the beach, have a picnic at the park, sit outside at a coffee shop and people watch. Getting outside will not only boost your vitamin d levels, but it will also give you bountiful opportunities to feel inspired. Just make sure you’re protecting your skin with sunscreen or a hat. Nothing kills inspiration and motivation more than an unpleasant sunburn.

Read a book, listen to new music and have goals every single day.

Head to the bookstore or the library and pick up a book that you can hold in your hands and feel the pages turn. Don’t read off of a screen. Download some new music, look into recommendations from friends and family. Listen to songs that are not in the Top 40. Write out your goals for the day, the week, the month. You don’t need to complete them all, but having them written out somewhere makes them much more real and attainable. It gives you something to work towards each day, even if it is something small like drinking eight glasses of water a day or turning off your electronics an hour before bed. Try something new. Who knows? Maybe it will become a passion.

Life is about the little things. It is about the ups and the downs and the in-betweens. Don’t let it pass you by.

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