How To Get Your Life Together By 5 O'Clock
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How To Get Your Life Together By 5 O'Clock

Or maybe next week.

How To Get Your Life Together By 5 O'Clock

Okay, maybe not by five O'clock. Maybe not even by five O'clock tomorrow! But definitely within a few months time.

1. Downsize

Get a friend or family member help you do this. It may take a few days or only a few hours but go room to room and drawer by drawer. You hold the throw away/donation bag and your friend can be the one to hold up items for the final decision, because the longer you hold the item, the more sentimental if becomes. Especially get a friend to help you with your closet. That old t-shirt that doesn't fit anymore but you just like it so much you keep it? Well throw it out. It is taking up space and trust me, once it is out of sight you wont miss it. I can say this from experience. Plus, think about the people that need it more than you do. Bag up those shoes and clothes and bring them down to your local homeless shelter or women's shelter. Always call before you go though, so that they are prepared and so you know if they are taking donations that day or not. Once you have downsized, you can begin to organize.

2. Organize

Now that you're all cleaned out, begin to reorganize the items you still have left. Just like before, go room to room. As you are organizing you might come across some more stuff that you don't need or may have had a change of heart about and decide to toss it! Use bins, decorated mason jars, baskets and whatever else you can find on Pinterest to organize your things in an easily accessible place. In the kitchen, you can post weekly dinner menus on the fridge and alternate among them for easier grocery shopping. Another great organizing tip for the kitchen is to get or make your own recipe book! I just recently made my own recipe book with the Create 365, MAMBI "The Happy Planner" recipe extension pack and other accessories. It is super easy, fun and something you can get your kids to help with. In the bathroom, get a toilet paper stand that holds the rolls at the bottom! That frees up space in the cabinet and lets you know when you're close to running out! Beneath your cabinets, get some colored baskets and label them with each persons products, that way there's never any confusion on who had what. To store your hair dryers and straighteners and curling irons, get some command hooks and place them on the inside of the doors in your cabinets and hang them! In the bedrooms, get some under the bed or over the door shoe organizers. They aren't very expensive at Target. If you have shelves in your closet, get some bins to store toys and other small items in.

3. Plan! Plan! Plan!

Okay, lets get real for a moment. You are convinced that you don't need a planner, you have your phone and its always with you! It works just fine! WRONG! When you have 3 tests, 2 presentations, 1 paper, a soccer game, work, a PTA meeting and date night, things can get crazy and your phone isn't the place to put all that because what if you forget to put something down while you're on the go? What if all those reminders you set get accidentally deleted by your three year old? Then what? Get yourself a planner! The Happy Planner is a great planner and its 100% customizable down to the rings that you use! Each week set aside a day, Sunday or Monday would probably work best, where you sit down for one hour and plan your whole week. You can make it happen. Your kids WILL be fine playing by themselves for one hour out of the entire week. Soon though, your kids will be used to it and wont even bother you while you plan because they'll know that its "mommy time" and if "mommy time" gets interrupted the whole week can get messed up - then they might not get to go to the park because you were to distracted to remember to schedule park time in. Having this one hour to plan will allow you to remember everything you need to do and more, and will calm you and get you ready to face the week ahead. Also, the decorating side of it is super fun! After you've planned for the week (by yourself) you could make it a family "weekly family decorating of mommy's planner", or maybe a more creative title but you get the point.

4. Eat healthier

Okay, I am not going to tell you how to run your life in this section. I'm simply going to suggest grabbing an apple or banana on the way out of the door instead of a bag of chips or a cupcake. You will feel better. I'm going to suggest stop buying junk foods. It's really not hard to give up junk foods. It was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. I stopped buying them and ate more fruit instead and I even stopped craving them for the most part. Every now and then I do have a bag of chips or a candy bar, but that's not even once a week any more! I also started making more homemade meals with fresh ingredients and all natural chicken. Your skin will love you, your body will love you and your kids will feel better too. You will all have more energy. Also, water, water, water!!! It's literally the only thing I drink during the day, EVER. I will drink organic 2% milk in the morning with breakfast but, other than that, it's water. Water is the absolute best thing for you. Its cheap too! A lot cheaper than that artificial juice and sugar filled capri suns you buy for your kids that only give them cavities and sugar rushes that they'll crash from and be cranky.

5. Meditate/Yoga/Exercise

Do something that calms you and improves your health and your mind. Read a book while sitting outside. You improve your mind while soaking up vitamins from the sun. Run or walk, I prefer walking to running, its not as hard on the knees and I just hate to run. Do some yoga. I love yoga and it does wonders for the spine and the mind and it gives you energy to face the day. Whatever you do, involve your kids in it. Do not exclude your kids from your exercise. Teach them to be healthy with their bodies and minds and to challenge themselves. Let them go walking with you, running maybe not because they wont be able to keep up. Invest in a few jump ropes and jump rope with your kids for 10 minutes a day. Read with them. Study with them. Teach them a new game or a new recipe or a new word. Meditate with them. It will calm them and teach them to control their emotions and you will connect with them. This all applies to your significant other, too.

Make a change in your life. Once you see how great you will feel, how calm you will be, and how thinking about Monday doesn't make you angry, you'll want to change the world. I've recently went to all cruelty free and vegan beauty and cleaning products. My next goal is to start recycling avidly. I want to make an impression on this Earth, but I want my impression to be a great one. I want to help myself, others, and the planet we live on so that future generations can live clean, healthy lives, not lives full of obesity, disorganization, and cloudy lungs from the trash and waste of their elders.

What do you want to do with your life? Today is the day to make a change. Every day is a day to make a change. Make yours now.

If you'd like to leave some more tips on how to get your life together by 5 o'clock in the comments, that would be great! I'd love to read them! I would also love to read on how you are making a difference in this world whether it be by volunteering, recycling, buying cruelty free, eating vegan, anything!

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