Letting Go Of Struggles
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Letting Go Of Struggles

You are not alone

Letting Go Of Struggles

This seven-part series called “Letting Go” will cover seven topics that we all struggle to let go of at different seasons of our lives. But why do we? Why do we hold on to temporary things when they deteriorate us and make us miserable? The sixth part of this series will cover struggles- so without further ado, here is Part 6: Letting Go of Struggles:

Over the course of the past few days, a pretty heavy topic has been on my mind. One that has been brought up quite often as I’ve gone about my life recently. It’s a topic that is hard for many to talk about because of the tragedy that it is. It’s a topic that when it’s said out loud, everybody in the room cringes. Words such as “sad,” “coward,” or “hopelessness” might come to mind. You might have guessed it. Yep. It’s suicide.

Perhaps the reason it’s been brought to my attention so much in the past few days is because of the recent series that has come out surrounding this issue called “13 Reasons Why” on Netflix. And no, this isn’t going to be another “13 Reasons Why You Should/Shouldn’t Watch This Show” post- so bear with me. But within the last week, a boy who goes to my college went missing. The boy was found this past weekend (4/21/17) dead in his car because of suicide. I didn’t know him, but the pain of his loss is felt throughout the school.

A few weeks ago, two cases of suicide were also brought up at a local high school. This past week, a friend also told me they attempted suicide a few years ago, this person now uses this struggle as a testimony such as "Look where I am now." All of this is tragic- I know. It puts a big hole in your stomach and that’s sad because suicide isn’t talked about enough. Yet, as you can see, it’s so prevalent. But all people can say when it’s brought up is “Oh that’s sad.” Or “You should get help.” You can get help, but not many people are going to tell you that there is HOPE. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Why? Because there is Someone who overcomes your every dark thought and your actions and the things that you think that you are.

People who are depressed live in a world where they feel like they are all alone. They feel like they have no one to talk to because no one will listen. All they feel is darkness and hopelessness. The question they always ask themselves is "am I good enough for anyone?"

Jesus’ light is the only thing that brings us out of darkness.

Perhaps you don’t know that life, because you've never been depressed, and that’s okay.

Suicide is a heavy subject- but in all reality, depression and struggles and wars with self are too.

If you are dealing with any one of these things- please know that there is Someone who is greater than all of your problems.

The devil is a great deceiver it’s in his job description. He will toy with your mind and your emotions and make you believe things that aren’t true about yourself. He will push you to the limit sometimes and he will pull you further away from Jesus. He seems to find us when we’re most vulnerable. He seems to attack when we are alone and when bad things happen.

He is your enemy and he is persistent.

But God is persistent in the pursuit of your heart.

Don’t forget how much you are loved by the King of the world.

There is so much darkness and bitterness and lies in this world.

And you know what the only cure for darkness is?


And because of that light, we are able to stand against the devil and the things that he throws at us, already victorious.

It’s a daily struggle, knowing and understanding your worth in Christ.

But have faith that you are worthy enough, and that you don’t have to be a slave to the loneliness you are feeling right now.

Faith saves us but it also teaches us how to stand against the enemy.

Because of Christ's death, we are created spotless in His eyes, despite everything we go through, despite every terrible thought we have about ourselves. Because of His resurrection, we are victorious. We don't have to live in fear. You are beautiful and you are worthy because Christ died to tell you that you are worthwhile and you are worth living a life that isn't bound in darkness or bitterness.

“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” - Colossians 3:2-4:

Whatever struggles you’re facing, I promise you can get through it and I promise you that there is hope.

You can’t be victorious until you’re in full surrender.

Maybe you just feel hopeless because you wonder how God could just let you feel so alone if He loves you so much. How could a God who loves you so much leave you desperate and lonely?

Because it’s in our desperation that we appreciate the comfort that God provides.

It’s when we feel hopeless that we realize that there is hope.

It’s when we feel like we can’t do anything right that we seek His wisdom.

It’s when you’re alone that you realize that you’re really not alone.

Listen- suicide is not a way out.

People around you are affected by your decisions, and maybe your choice to end your life will influence someone else’s decision. Someone close to you. Someone is always watching you.

You’re never truly alone.

You might be alone, but you’re not alone in what your feeling. There is always someone who understands your hurt and your desperation.

Instead of letting Satan trick you into thinking that you’re worth nothing, listen to the One who thinks you’re EVERYTHING.

Grab the hand that is trying so hard to pull you up.

I don’t know your situation, I don't know where you're at in life, and maybe I don’t even know you, but there is a God out there who does know you and who desires to know the deepest depths of your heart. He desires for you to know the deepest depths of His heart.

It’s when we are hurting that we discover His intentions and His overwhelming love for us.

Don’t let the lie that you are worth nothing if you aren’t at a certain point in life consume you or mold you.

Struggles are temporary. It will get better. You will be okay. You will overcome.

The Overcomer is fiercely pursuing you.

God is working in you and through you whether you know it or not. He is silently doing a work in you and someone out there looks up to you and appreciates you even when you feel like no one is listening. I appreciate you. Maybe I don’t know you and you’re thinking “She’s just saying that to make me feel better about myself.”


I do appreciate you.

Because I know that God created everyone for a purpose.

I know you have a purpose. I know you can do and will do great things for His kingdom if you only let Him work in you.

And for that, I am eternally grateful.

Make sure you let the people around you know how much they’re loved and appreciated because you might be the only one who ever tells them that.

When you picture someone with depression, you probably consider the stereotypical “depressed” person as this teenage girl sitting in the corner wearing all black, glaring at you like they’re mad at the world.

That’s such a common misconception, because how often is it that the person who commits suicide is the one that you least expected it to be?

The person who seemed happy and generated love to everyone they met.

The straight-A student.

The successful musician that has it all.

It happens so often.

Be sincere when you interact with the people around you, and not just with the people who you’re closest to.

Don’t consider those who are depressed and suicidal to be cowards, because somewhere, there’s a kid out there who just wanted to feel love, but you didn’t show it to him.

There’s someone who feels lost like he has no one to talk to because he will be shamed and shunned because he’s feeling something so tragic.

Maybe you’re sitting there right now and this article resonates with you but you don’t know what to do about it.

Seek help.

And I’m not even talking about a guidance counselor because that’s what everyone will tell you.

Seek help from the ultimate Healer and Counselor, because He is the Author and Finisher of your faith.

You are so not alone.

Life is so precious. Never let anyone tell you that yours isn't.

You were bought with a price because Jesus died on the cross specifically for you. And when you’re down and you’re feeling like all hope is lost or you can’t do it anymore, remember that sometimes all He’s waiting for is for you to cry to Him on your knees in surrender.

Sometimes it takes just that for us to feel less and less alone.

Let go of the feeling that you are worth nothing.

Maybe you’re sitting where you are and you’re thinking, “What am I going to do with this? I’ve never dealt with anything like this.”

Become educated on the subject.

Help someone who is.

Be someone’s flashlight when all they need to see is the Light.

But most of all, I hope you know how much you are loved and how much potential you have.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” - Matthew 11:28-30

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