A Letter To Donald Trump Supporters
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A Letter To Donald Trump Supporters

I agree, Donald Trump is not a politician. But that in no way qualifies him to be President.

A Letter To Donald Trump Supporters

I would like to preface this letter by saying I get it. I get that you are tired of the prototypical politicians running for office who are scripted to an extreme and receive millions from Super PACs that influence their policies. You don’t want another Bush or another Clinton. You are looking for something new; someone who speaks his or her mind, avoids political correctness and doesn’t cower from sensitive issues and controversy. You like Donald Trump because he says what you are thinking but don’t have the balls to say out loud yourself. Donald Trump thinks just like you do, and you adore him for it. However, I have an unfortunate news flash: you would not be a good president.

Donald Trump is clearly ill-fitted to be the President of our great country. A few weeks ago, I did not take the Trump campaign seriously. I thought he was going to promote his TV show and his celebrity, make some media waves and drop out of the race.

Now, I am not so sure. He lost his TV show along with millions from business partners. What does he have left to lose? He has re-framed controversy after controversy with the grace of a belligerent elephant. His social media could be mistaken for a parody account. Nonetheless, he is now leading the Republican field by a wide margin. If he is willing to liquidate a few of his valuable assets, he can stay in the presidential race until the bitter end.

Trump supporters, I know how you feel. You view yourselves as true American patriots. You believe in the Constitution, and you are tired of politicians willfully ignoring it. You are tired of our political hierarchies. You want someone who can do a 180 with our government and "Make America Great Again." You want someone who can get the job done. Well, I'm sorry to break it to you, but Donald Trump is NOT the candidate who will do so.

I don't necessarily believe you are ill-advised. I do, however, believe that you are sadly ill-informed.

Donald Trump runs his campaign like a spoiled, sensitive, cracked-out 8-year-old pyromaniac, sprinting around wildly like a madman and burning every bridge he can find over even the pettiest perceived slights. He is an egomaniac who speaks exclusively in incoherent hyperbole. He also completely ignores facts, as evidenced by his almost impressively bad PolitiFact rating.

Yes, Donald Trump is truly a genuine guy. However, his extreme genuineness does not give him a free pass to spew whatever he wants, regardless of elementary facts. I believe there is a difference between not being "PC" and being offensively wrong about virtually everything you say.

The United States recently agreed to a Nuclear Deal with Iran. The deal lifted harsh sanctions and will add billions to Iran's economy. Republicans have criticized the deal, saying Obama gave Iran everything and took nothing in return. Despite this allegedly one-sided deal (like most politicians, I haven't read it), the Iranian citizens chanted, “Death to America! Death to Israel!” as their President smiled during a speech he gave triumphantly announcing the deal. How would the Donald respond to this great slight? He absolutely would not not ignore it. He would call their President a “dummy” over Twitter, renege the deal, create a massive headache, and so on. Donald Trump's inflated ego would start World War III within months of his inauguration.

His idea of a strong position on foreign affairs is to “bomb the hell" out of the Iraq oil fields to get rid of ISIS. This idea is asinine for numerous reasons, one being that we recently spent billions trying to stabilize the country whose most vital infrastructure he wants to bomb.

The idea of Trump trying to deal with a volatile Middle East literally makes me sick to my stomach. Reality TV is not real life. Donald Trump’s obnoxious negotiation style and oversensitive ego is the perfect recipe for international disaster. His mannerisms and ridiculous beliefs would lead to even more resentment towards America and stir up inevitable pandemonium in an already unstable region. He is the embodiment of nearly every anti-American stereotype.

Think about all of the harsh criticisms politicians on the other side of the aisle have directed at President Obama. They accused him of being born in Kenya, a Muslim, a socialist, and treasonous, among many other accusations. Now think about if Donald Trump were the President. Would he ignore these types of insults from the other side and work with Congress? I think the first month of his campaign strongly shows otherwise. Hypothetically, if our president spent a few hours every day getting in Twitter fights, would it be considered acting "genuine" or "idiotic"?

So please, don’t post your support on Facebook. Throw away your Donald Trump bumper sticker and yard sign. Take a step back into reality. I hate to break this to you, but you represent a small niche of the Republican Party and an even smaller percentage of the general population. Enjoy the utter chaos and hilarity that is the Trump campaign, but do not take Donald Trump seriously.

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