A Letter to Aaron Persky, The Stanford Rape Case Judge
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A Letter to Aaron Persky, The Stanford Rape Case Judge

"Rape is a more heinous crime than murder since the rape victim dies throughout the period she lives."

A Letter to Aaron Persky, The Stanford Rape Case Judge

Dear Aaron Persky,

You yourself are a Stanford graduate, but not only that, you coached young men in lacrosse, setting a certain standard for them to follow. You were an example for young men to look up to, you were a mentor to them. You out of all people should know the correct punishment for a young man who does others wrong. That's a part of the sport right? In lacrosse, if you slash or cross check you get a penalty; you should at least be able to distinguish what a real life penalty should be. I mean it is your job.

Now as a family man, you should be able to put yourself in the shoes of this young woman's father. Wouldn't it infuriate you? Knowing that the judge had every chance to give the BOY who ruined your daughters life a short sentence because "A prison sentence would have a severe impact on him." Disgusting, absolutely disgusting. You are a shame to this country's judicial system. I would never wish disrespect upon anyone, but you sir, deserve it more than anyone else I have ever heard of.

You've spent 13 years dealing with these types of cases, these types of incidents, and you decide the privileged boy gets a shorter sentence because you sympathize with him. You sit there and wonder why people are disrespecting you ... well I can happily tell you why.

Your honor, if I may call you that, you have sat there and disrespected every single female who has ever been sexually harassed or assaulted in not only the states, but also in the world. People outside of this country have heard of this ruling and are just as shocked as anyone else. You said you took into account Brock Turner’s character and lack of criminal history when giving him just six months in county jail instead of the six years in prison the prosecution asked for or the fourteen years you could have given him within the rights of the law. I know Turner said a lot of great things about how “one night of drinking can ruin a life”. This may come as a shock to you, but the privileged boy who couldn't eat his steak dinner handed to him on a silver platter is nothing compared to the woman who can't sleep in the dark at night without having nightmares.

In giving him this short sentence, you set a standard for colleges across the country. You made it seem okay for the victimization of unconscious women to take place. You have said, without actually using the words, “Well, honey, this wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t drank so much.” You have told predators like Turner all over our country, “You can get away with a slap on the wrist if you just make sure she won’t be able to remember.” You have inferred that rape doesn’t really count if it happens at a frat party.

Here is the cold hard truth for you, just because a girl is wearing a dress or a short skirt does not give a boy the right to sexually assault her. Just because a girl has had some sort of alcohol intake does not give the boy a right to sexually assault her. And sure as hell just because the girl was at a college party never gives a boy the right to sexually assault her. You have made it seem okay for a boy to do this to another girl, you have given every college boy a "right" to rape the next girl they see intoxicated at a party.

I can honestly say I hope that your wife is disappointed in you just like every other woman in the country. I hope that you realize you were wrong for the decision you have made, and I hope that your children don't have a chance to follow in the disgraceful footsteps of their father. You should be ashamed of yourself. It is disgusting for you to think that this is okay.

No this isn't about "women's rights" its about rights in general. You deserve to understand the impact you have caused and I hope that it keeps you up at night every night just like it will for the 23-year-old woman whose life will never be the same. I hope that you sit up at night and stare at the lights in the street and remember that your street lights are her bed room lights staying on every night for her to sleep. I hope that you look at your wife and say you love her and remember that the young woman can not look at the boy she loves and say that without having the fear of that night happen over and over again. I hope when you hold your wife you remember how that girls boyfriend could not hold her for a very long time and I hope that you realize just how much pain you have caused her.

More than 650,000 people disagree with what you have decided ... let that sink in. Six hundred and fifty thousand people. You say that Brock is "on the sex registry, so now if he has kids, he can't ever drop his kids off at school. He can't go watch his kids play basketball. He can't be a teacher. He can't go to a playground with his kids. He is severely limited for the rest of this life and it's not just a financial punishment, it's a lifetime punishment." Well here's a piece of information: that young girl is probably never going to be able to stand the thought of having children because the pure thought of any sort of sexual intercourse is going to bring her back to that night and to waking up in the hospital the next morning. That girl will have nightmares for the rest of her life. And if by some chance she does have a child, and its a girl, she is never going to let that girl out of her sight to make sure she doesn't experience the same thing she did.

I hope you take a look at the letters sent to you, not the death threats or those letters, but the letters asking you to think about what you have done. And to put yourself in the shoes of the daughters father.

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