As I’m sure we’re all well aware, Leo has finally received the long over due Oscar that I think we all can agree deserved way back when in 1997 on the release date for the "Titanic." I speak for many Leo-movie-lovers when I say it feels as though the world has been lifted off of our shoulders and that all (not really) is well with the world. Throughout his life-long quest for an Oscar, Leo has given the world an infinite list of reasons to love him. Between his ability as an Oscar winner, his rugged good-looks and his obvious concern for the well-being of our earth, Leo has, in a way, proved himself to be the triple threat we all know, in our hears, that he is. Here’s what I mean:
Leo the Actor
From his unforgettable love affair cut-short with Kate Winslett aka Rose in the "Titanic" to his time on Wall Street as Jordan Belfort in the "Wolf of Wall Street," Leo has without a doubt earned his place among the stars with which he celebrated his Oscar last week. He has managed to prove himself one of the greatest, most memorable actors of our time. Beyond any single role, Leo has managed to perfect his ability to jump from one character to another and keep them separate. He is able to place his focus on any one character and make it his own, a talent that is few and far between. I think we can all agree that Leo has proven his talent and earned his Oscar. Congrats boo!
Leo the Heartthrob
Obviously, Leo isn’t exactly very hard to look at. It’s pretty obvious that we can compare Leo to a fine wine, he just gets better with age. There wasn’t a role thrown at him that he didn’t use to win the hearts of his fans, both young and old. On top of his rugged handsome-ness and utter hot-ness, Leo is just as much a gentleman as he is handsome. Leo has managed to make each and everyone of us feel about him the was Rose felt when they shared their first kiss. Leo isn’t just revered for his sheer and obvious talent, but also for his hopeful smile, kind eyes and incredible ability to decipher when perfect time is to shave his beer. We all know and love these features I speak so fondly about. Leo really is no less than an act of God. God bless.
Leo the Humanitarian
As if Leo hadn’t given us enough to love about him, he shared just last week the most wonderful acceptance speech. Leo could not simply take this time just to thank the Academy for this long over-due award, or just to express his love for the acting industry, but felt the need to share a little insight into that beautiful head of his (if you’re unsure of what I’m talking about, please refer to the following link:
Leo took these few minutes he has been waiting patiently for to address a real environmental risk facing our planet and our entire human race: global warming. Leo used both his platform and his power as an incredible actor and mogul to bring this fatal issue to the attention of all the millions of people who tuned into the Oscars. He has, once again, leaped far beyond our highest expectations and proved himself to be the noble, endearing swoon that we all know him to be.
Cheers to you, Leo.