Last Minute Quarantine To-Do List
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Last Minute Quarantine To-Do List

It's not over yet! Here are 10 things you can do before life goes back to normal.

Last Minute Quarantine To-Do List

If you're like me, you probably spent the majority of your quarantine down the never-ending hole that is Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, regularly neglecting a healthy sleep schedule and likely feeling terrible for being so unproductive. Lucky for us, though the world has slowly started opening again, life is not yet back to normal. Here are some fairly easy tasks to improve your mental health and get you back in the swing of things.


Books On The Table

Books On The Table Koppens, Ylanite on

If you're feeling down in the dumps, a bit creative, or just plain bored, a change in environment can make you feel like a fresh new person. Try rearranging a bookshelf, adding different decor to your coffee table, or moving around the furniture in your room.

Watch Movies And TV Shows

Woman Wearing Black Dress Shirt Eating Popcorn

Woman Wearing Black Dress Shirt Eating Popcorn on

This is an obvious one, but if you procrastinate getting into new TV shows or movies, you're slimming your chances of watching them at all. After quarantine ends, you will be busier with school, work, or friends, and may not have the time to watch whatever you really want to see.

Try To Romanticize Life

White and Pink Flowerson a book beside Eyeglasses

White and Pink Flowerson a book beside Eyeglasses Burst on

Romanticizing the small details in life like drinking a cup of coffee, sitting outside and listening to nature, and taking in every detail of a book can improve your general happiness! Being in the moment and appreciating life for what it is is a great habit to learn for the present and the transition back into normal life. While this can be a good tactic for the more mundane moments, remember that there are some things that should not be romanticized. Keep it safe, kind, and respectful.

Take Care Of Plants!

Potted Green Indoor Plants

Potted Green Indoor Plants Shevtsova, Daria on

Taking care of plants is a very wholesome, and very small responsibility that can make life feel a little bit nicer. In fact, according to, indoor plants will make the air fresher through photosynthesis, which can create a more focused, productive environment.

Practice Your Skills/Hobbies

Woman Sitting on Brown Stool

Woman Sitting on Brown Stool Bust on

Being stuck at home is a great opportunity to get better at the things you love! Learn new recipes, brush up your art skills, or practice those riffs! The world is your oyster!

Put Together A Donation Pile Or Sell Your Things Online

Photo of Woman Near Clothes

Photo of Woman Near Clothes Burst on

Clutter around the house and in the closet can be stressful. Putting together a box of things you don't want or use anymore can be a good way to relieve that stress. If you have some nicer items that you would like to get money for, you can do that through apps like Depop, Poshmark, and Etsy!

Keep Healthy Relationships

Couple Having Coffee With Puig

Couple Having a Coffee With Puig Burst on

During a pandemic where most people are social distancing, it's totally normal for relationships to fade. Think about the people you associate yourself with and whether or not you want to keep them in your life. Relationships directly affect your quality of life, and if you realize one is hurting you more than helping, end it.

Plan Your Day For Productivity

Woman Using Silver Macbook Near Shot Glass on Table

Woman Using Silver Macbook Near Shot Glass on Table Burst on

Set yourself up for success! Make a list of everything you want to do in the morning. Write the things down on a notepad or in a bullet journal. Make time slots for everything. If you find yourself unmotivated to do something big and feel the need to procrastinate, resist the urge to scroll through your phone. Instead, busy yourself with smaller tasks like the laundry or doing the dishes.

Prep For Life After Quarantine

Time-lapsed Photography of Cars in the City

Time-lapsed Photography of Cars in the City Burst on

Be ready for what's coming next. You will likely experience a drastic change in lifestyle, so be mentally prepared. Try to get a routine in like maintaining a healthy sleep schedule.

Most Importantly, Take Care Of Yourself

Person Washing Hands

Person Washing Hands Burst on

Sleep schedules are great, but you should also make sure to do other essential tasks like regular hygiene and drinking water. Find a healthy balance between undereating and overeating. For many people, a regular exercise routine is a good way to make you more focused, can bring a sense of accomplishment, and is just overall very healthy. And, if you must go out, wear a mask for the safety of everyone around you.

Hopefully, this list helped you in some way! Thank you for reading! Stay safe, and have a wonderful day!

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