Last Minute Gift Ideas For Everyone In Your Family | The Odyssey Online
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Last Minute Gift Ideas For Everyone In Your Family

Ideas Derived From What I Got My Family (and Friends)

Last Minute Gift Ideas For Everyone In Your Family

I am sure at this point with finals in full speed and the days till the holidays dwindling away, you may have forgotten to get gifts for your family, honestly at this point you may have even forgotten you have a family. So I thought I would offer some last minute suggestions based on what I got for the members of my family for this Christmas (mom and dad stop reading this now…)


  • Painting! So my mom is absolutely obsessed with my dog, so my brother and I figured what better than a gift that included a picture of our dog, but we took it a step further and had a painting done of him! Although this isn’t something that can be necessarily done last minute, something similar could be concocted in a short amount of time! I had the digital painting done through the Etsy store Karin Viko for $50. It’s a file that lasts a lifetime and can be printed onto anything from canvases to t-shirts to blankets!


  • What I love about Dad book! My dad is normally the hardest person to shop for and not the kind of guy that wants something he won’t use. I figured this year I’d gift him something a little more sentimental. 50 things I love about my Dad book is available all over the internet and is a cute and thoughtful present.
  • Coffee mugs! I came across a mug in Marshall’s a few weeks ago that reads “I don’t need Google my Dad knows everything.” This is the most fitting present for my dad particularly as he’s the most knowledgeable person I know. Mugs are always a great option and stores like Marshall’s always have creative phrases. This is something that can definitely be picked out last minute.


  • Clothing! This year my brother requested a nice quarter zip and some long sleeve t-shirts. Banana Republic has some great options that are both high quality and affordable for a college student’s budget. I picked up his gifts over Black Friday so I got some great deals, but I’m sure with the holidays reigning in that their merchandise is still discounted.


  • Board games! They are a great way to unite the family in some fun competition, this Christmas I bought my grandma Boggle from Barnes and Noble for $14
  • Adult coloring books! This one may seem silly but I swear my grandma is going to love hers, great gift option for a loved one that wants to feel young again, I bought one from Barnes and Noble for $8
  • Picture gifts! CVS and Walgreens currently both have fabulous discounts on their photo gifts. Anything from mugs to canvases will make them feel appreciated this holiday. I got this gift for a few of my friends and I bought my grandpa a similar gift, an ice cream bowl with “Papa’s Ice Cream” written on it from for $15Friends:
  • Cold weather accessories! An inexpensive, accessible, and cozy gift for any level of friendship. This year I picked up a few things including fuzzy gloves from Urban outfitters when there was a 2 for $20 sale and a North Face headband for $14
  • Chokers! They’re back and trending everyone (as if you didn’t already know). I picked up a few of these for my friends who can actually pull them off, unlike myself.
  • Laptop stickers! Although I didn’t get these for any of them for my friends, I know I would love to receive them. Etsy and Redbubble have cute ones for laptops and water bottles!I hope these ideas were useful and Happy Holidays!
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