Nothing can prepare you for holding the hand of a loved one as they pass away, however, nothing can take that impactful memory away from you. Some deaths are hard to swallow, however, some are incredibly beautiful.
Two weeks ago, I sat with my great grandfather. He was in pain and was restless. As I talked to him, attempting to calm him, I told him all about college and my boyfriend. Yet, he was still in pain. He needed more morphine but it was not helping.
More and more family showed up and Grandpa's breathing slowed. The in home nurse could not get a reading on his Oxygen levels. She seemed more and more positive that he was about to pass away soon.
I truly believe that those that are soon to pass know exactly what is occurring around them. They may not be able to open their eyes, or speak more than a mumble, but they know.
I've heard of people dying of a broken heart; this is very similar. Instead, I would term it, dying with a full heart.
Knowing that everyone that loves you is there and has been able to come to terms with the fact that you are suffering now but will be in much better care soon, must be insanely comforting.
Some people will use this time to make amends with a past regret, or confess something they never would have before. Selfish as it may seem, it is honestly mind blowing at the impact a dying person has on other's.
As the last of my great grandfather's family entered the room, my great grandfather's eyes went vacant and became locked on his beautifully folded American flag. As his breaths became rare, the sound of sobs filled the room. My great grandfather's wife grabbed him, told him that she was there and had his hand, and that everyone he loved was there, too. She told him we would be okay and he could be at peace.
And so he went.
Getting approval from your loved one's that it is okay to let go must be so heart warming and I know first hand that it is truly beautiful.