What To Do On Inauguration Day
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What To Do On Inauguration Day

Listen, I'm tired and I know y'all are too and there are much better things to do than watch a some sort of circus show with suits.

What To Do On Inauguration Day

Let's just get this clear, America has very many ignorant people who believe Trump would be a good president, nevertheless a better president than Obama, or that Clinton could ever be. The world is pretty much gonna end, either with a possible World War III or North Korea successfully hitting the United States with a missile on their 739th try or personally with the recent repeal of Obamacare also known as THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT, SOMETHING THAT HELPED MORE THAN 20 MILLION AMERICANS GAIN ACCESS TO HEALTH INSURANCE, SO PEOPLE ARE PRETTY MUCH LEFT IN THE DUST WITH NO OTHER VALID PLAN IN PLACE FOR THEM JUST BECAUSE REPUBLICANS LIKED PARTS OF THE PROGRAM BUT DIDN'T LIKE THE NAME "OBAMACARE".

So now the Trumpets and Trumpettes are expecting others to celebrate the election of Tronald Dump on Inauguration Day on January 22nd, 2017 but honestly watching the Inauguration and hearing input about is more cringe-worthy than Cruggs.

This is a Crugg. The Inauguration will be worse than this.

So yours truly has compiled a list of things to do instead of watching a reality TV star, bankrupt business tycoon, and overall the modern symbol of bigotry become president for the next four years or at least until he gets assassinated or gets impeached.

1. Get Some More Sleep

Listen, this election has been so tiring and frustrating and most of us could really use a four-year nap. You're already exhausted from the semester and you don't want to be conscious to see all the effects of a Dump administration. Just go to bed, fam. We stressed.

2. Go To Class

Make Barack and Michelle proud and go to school. Get your education and make the best of it. We are the future and we should take honor to make Obama proud by taking the steps to make the change that we all want to see in the world.

3. Build Up Your Shrine to Obama

We all have a shrine to him yes? If you haven't made one yet, Friday, January 22nd 2017 at 9AM EST would be the perfect time to begin.

4. Send Heartfelt Thank-You Letters to the Blue States and Pretend You Don't Know the Red States.

Blue states. y'all really cool and y'all are true Americans. Meanwhile, I don't know what a Texas is. I've never heard of Idaho. Alaska's a real place? You sure?

5. Go Outside for Once

Disconnect from internet and TV for like, a good few hours, maybe a day, maybe for a week and go outside and take a walk. Breathe air and prepare yourself for the damage and troubling times we're about to go into.

6. Bathe in Cereal and Milk

Like watching the Inauguration of a clown is better? Nope!

7. Have Yourself a Good Cry

We all need a good cry for making the ultimate downgrade from a decent president to someone who is more of an embarrassment to the country than camouflage flip flops from Walmart.

8. Binge Eat Your Sorrows Away

Friday may be your cheat day or not, you have every reason to treat yourself because there may not be a tomorrow with Trump just eat your heart out.

9. Begin Organizing!

Okay y'all, we have a Republican majority House and Senate with a Republican president. Politicians are going to try and do some sketchy stuff. SO, we need to organize, coordinate, and cooperate. Find local leaders in your area and work with them and their campaigns for your community. The president doesn't have absolute power and charity starts at home. Contact the leader you most agree with and work with them. The next elections are in 2018. so get out and build better communities to build a better nation, and a better world.

10. AVOID Political Debates on the Internet

Honestly at this point, arguing with republicans is pointless as they tend to not listen to what you're saying and you begin to sound like a broken record. At least just stay off social media for that day to avoid more moments of distress than usual.

11. Attend the Women's March To Washington

Attend the Women's March to Washington on Inauguration Day. There are numerous other protests going on not only in Washington but across the country. Our voices should be heard and we shouldn't have to accept this bigoted orange Cheeto puff in a business suit with a hairball on top as a president. Research marches and protests in your area to demonstrate your freedom of speech.

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