Every Appalachian State sorority has their own unique, collective personality. Almost always, when girls go through formal recruitment at App, they find their perfect fit. We hear it a lot, "Greek life at App is so different," or, "Wow, that chapter of X here is SO different than it is at other schools." Yes, we know, Greek life at App is nothing like it is at any other school. It's not cut-throat competitive or all based on material things. Here at App, it's way more about personality when it comes to where you belong. With 10 awesome organizations, there's a home waiting to welcome everyone in, and as a whole, our Greek life is like one big family neighborhood (even though we can't have houses and we're still really salty about that, thanks Boone laws.) But, without further adieu, here is what App State sororities would be if they were songs.
Alpha Delta Pi
SONG: Dixieland Delight- Alpha Delta Pi
These ladies are always put together, sweet, a touch of southern and funny. When you see them on campus, they're the first to smile your way or ask you how your day is going. They have awesome leaders in their chapter as well and they a great campus presence. And, hello, Cheese Fries with ADPis.... need I say more?
Alpha Omicron Pi
SONG: Work- Rihanna
The AOPis are the realest girls you'll meet. Funny, genuine, and smart; those are words that come to mind when you think of this chapter. They work hard in school, for their sisterhood and their philanthropy. They are a great group of beautiful women!
Alpha Phi
SONG: Run the World- Beyonce
Alpha Phi's are confident and bold, but down to Earth and love their sisters, and it shows in their strong sisterhood. They're on their A game, but they're not afraid to look silly when they're out dancing or having a good time. They have fun on the weekends but live in the library during the week.
Alpha Gamma Delta
SONG: Sweet Home Alabama- Lynyrd Skynyrd
Sweet home Alpha Gamma! This chapter is a great mix of personalities, and they have a very determined sisterhood. They're classic, girl-next-door kinda sisters, and when they come around, it's always a good time. When you meet an Alpha Gam, you know it, because they're so funny and super friendly.
Chi Omega
SONG: What I got - Sublime
Lovin' is ABSOLUTELY what these girls have, for their sisterhood, and everyone else on campus. The Chi O's are down to Earth, down for anything, and some of the most genuine ladies you'll meet. These are the chicks you wanna hang with in summertime by the beach. They're easy going and good friends with everyone.
Delta Zeta
SONG: The Night is Still Young- Nicki Minaj
Delta Zetas are SO much fun. They too know how to get jiggy on the weekends, but then be totally kick @$$ leaders during the week. From education majors, to fashion designers, this chapter is a huge mix of personalities. One word to describe them? Fierce. These are the girls who are always on point in style, and personality. It doesn't get much better than that.
Kappa Delta
SONG: Loving You Easy- Zac Brown Band
Kappa Deltas are so lovable! They're bubbly and funny, but they're also strong women. These girls will take time out of their day to compliment you, or help you through a hard time. They have a sisterhood focused on building one another up, and its obvious to everyone that spends time with them. KDs are life long friends, they're loyal to their sisters, and they are an awesome organization to share Greek life at App with.
Phi Mu
SONG: Home- Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
Phi Mu makes App feel like home for not only their sisters but for everyone. They're welcoming and friendly to everyone on campus. These girls are dedicated to their philanthropy and their sisterhood like no other. They're the kind of sisters that wear letter shirts when its not a letter day just because they're so proud of their organization. They are a positive addition to our Greek life here in so many ways!
Sigma Kappa
SONG: Flawless- Beyonce
On campus? Flawless. Out on the weekend? Flawless. Library? Flawless. The Sig Kaps are gorgeous! They're so nice and very inclusive. They're the first to invite you to an empty seat at their table in the library, and the first ones to talk to you in the long bathroom line on the weekends. They're so fun, and they have great leadership in their chapter as well.
Zeta Tau Alpha
SONG: All-American Girl- Carrie Underwood
Zetas are literally the Carrie Underwoods of App. They're the girls next door: funny and cute but full of personality. They're the first ones to sit beside you in class and act as your saving grace all semester long. They're the epitome of all American girls, and they always know how to brighten up someone's day.