How Industry Leaders Plan To Become Business Disruptors In 2023
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How Industry Leaders Plan To Become Business Disruptors In 2023


digital disruptor

Businesses always innovate to introduce something new and popularize a product or service,

moving up the market through non-conventional business models. In the business world, disruptors are the brands that make history. The best examples include IBM, Starbucks, and Netflix.

In 2017, the Australian Institute of Business published an article highlighting Netflix as the ultimate digital disruptor. Netflix killed Blockbuster, bringing newly-produced television shows and movies into homes through connected devices. This subscription-based platform changed the way people perceive entertainment.

According to the Statista report last October 19, 2022, Netflix generated USD$30 billion in 2021, with an increasing year-on-year growth because of its high subscription rate, particularly popular in Canada and Scandinavia. Netflix’s unique concept and technology make the company a big business disruptor, with competitors struggling to match what the company can offer to make your home more spacious

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Business leaders learn good lessons from Netflix and other business disruptors. Find out how industry leaders plan to become business disruptors in 2023.

Tailor Playbooks

Personalizing customer experience by providing tailor-fit solutions is one of the best ways to discover the entry points of business disruption.

“Not unless a business understands what a customer really wants, it cannot move on the ladder and find its way above the rest.”, said Nat Miletic, Owner and CEO of Clio Websites. He added, “I always consider each client as unique. Each business deserves an excellent-performing website. I want to change how small business owners think of web design and digital marketing. They don’t have to pay for the services they don’t need in the first place.”

“That’s why I plan to position my company as the top go-to agency where small businesses can get assurance of a high rank in search engines. This plan will only become possible by adding more innovative services, such as exploring web design services related to Web3 and the metaverse. I know this bold move is challenging, but we are ready for it. It’s now or never. I also plan to add helpful website features, such as self-help tools for online users to gauge what they really need and what we can offer.”, Miletic added.

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Indeed, many companies position themselves as a one-stop shop for everything. Open services and platforms are everywhere, providing people with plenty of options. They try to tailor their playbooks by combining strategic solutions, scaling the prices, offering free trials, and more.

Preston Powell, CEO, Webserv, also shared his expert insights about triggering disruption by providing customers with tailored services. He mentioned, “We don’t take orders or try to sell our clients out-of-the-box solutions. Instead, we first get to know our clients and their business. Afterward, we tailor our playbooks to meet and exceed their goals and objectives in the medical device industry. I want to focus and further explore creating tailor-fit solutions using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other relevant technologies to assess customer needs accurately. The human factor remains intact, but their roles are of higher intellectual capacities, prioritizing connecting and nurturing prospects and clients.”

Leverage Mobile Technology

Enterprises leverage mobile technology to provide their clients utmost convenience. Instead of navigating their business websites, they create apps to promote accessibility, flexibility, and better communication. It’s no wonder many business leaders want to leverage mobile apps to develop new sales and marketing models, paving the way to discovering their disruption edge.

Adam Garcia, Stock Dork Founder, shared his plan of leveraging mobile technology to become a disruptor in 2023. He explained, “My company’s mission is to help investors gain insightful investment tips, offering stock reviews and reliable updates in simplified content. I want to see my company upgrade by creating a dedicated mobile app where investors can quickly search for stock-related information using their smartphones, tablets, and other internet-capable devices. This tech-brave step will open more doors for us to innovate content, communication, and collaboration channels, creating a like-minded community that aims to succeed in building wealth.”

Alex Chaidaroglou, the director of Altosight, a company that provides AI-backed price monitoring solutions for manufacturers, retailers, and eCommerce stores, also expressed his plan to improve their existing app. He said, “Manufacturers and retailers can use Altosight to monitor product prices in any marketplace or online store automatically. We are making further enhancements to upgrade the capabilities of our price intelligence solution to provide our customers with more than pricing recommendations. With predictive product performance-based analytics and our newfound technology, I’m excited to announce that we have finally found the right ingredient to disrupt the industry in 2023.”

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Implement Martech Strategies

Marketing technology (martech) is a game changer in today’s digital transformation era. Business marketing can be tough and overwhelming because of the wide array of marketing technologies available nowadays. But careful evaluation of a company’s marketing needs can help resolve these challenges and enable consumers to realize what brands they’re missing to improve their lives.

Milo Cruz, CMO of Legend Cookware, explained, “Powering up the business with the right martech solutions can help boost consumer awareness. But we aim to establish an excellent digital image, not only confined to short-term memory. We want our brand familiarity to adhere and last. We will aggressively promote our brand this 2023 across all digital channels. I believe in the synergistic power of combining various martech solutions to attract more customers and partners to attain the business disruption we aim for our company.”

Cruz added, “Brands can become disruptors in their unique ways. Many companies out there offer impressive products and services with a huge potential to become the next disruptors but lack exposure and promotion. And that’s where marketing technology comes into play.”


Embracing technology and innovation doesn’t always lead to disruption. Businesses aim to find their disruptive triggers through market research, introducing new business models, upgrading tools, or trial and error. But discovering one’s trigger point for business disruption doesn’t stop with any of these. It’s an ongoing process of discovery, consisting of ups and downs.

You have learned how industry leaders plan to discover and implement theirs. Are you ready to start yours?

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