How to Beat the Sophomore Slump
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How to Beat the Sophomore Slump

Remind yourself how far you've come.

How to Beat the Sophomore Slump
Her Campus

During your freshman year of college, you learn how to manage a whole new chapter in life. You learn how to take charge of your new-found freedom as well as maintaining good grades all while balancing a social life, healthy lifestyle, and even part-time jobs and relationships. Once sophomore year hits, you already know how to live your college life, and you begin to think, "I can do this assignment later.", or "I can just workout tomorrow.". This kind of thinking leads to one falling into dark hole known as the "sophomore slump", in which after a year of being so determined to succeed and actually having the energy and drive to do your best, you begin to fall back into a more laid-back "I'll do it later." state. I myself am currently realizing that I am starting to fall into the sophomore slump, that I am starting to lose the determination I had freshman year, which was one of the most successful academic years I had since middle school. I realize that I need to begin to step my game up again, because if I don't I will go back to old high school habits of pushing everything back until the last minute and just being all-around lazy with my schoolwork. Here's a few tips based on my experiences that will help (myself included) how to beat the dreaded "sophomore slump".

1. Use a planner

One of the greatest feelings in the world in feeling as if you have your life together. I recommend either buying a planner or using the calendar on your email or computer. By having the things you need to do notated, it can be a huge help when you have homework, meetings, and other important things to do as a college student. Sometimes I have lost track of what assignment is due and weather I have an honor society meeting this week but with my planner, everything is written down and I know what is coming up the next week and beyond. Being organized with one's activities is one less thing to feel stressed about during college.

2. Keep your binder(s) & laptop organized

Continuing from the first point I just mentioned, when your binder and/or laptop is unorganized, it can be hard to find the assignment that you just remembered to do. If you just shuffle all your papers into your binder without organizing it, it can make things a bit worse. Always hole-punch and staple if necessary your papers and organize them into separate dividers by class. Foe your laptop, try to make "folders" on your documents tab separated by class so that you don't have to go through all of your documents just to find a single paper. Also, if you have old papers saved from high school that you know you're not going to look at ever again, delete them so that all there is saved are your relevant documents and it also clears up your computer's memory.

3. Sleep

College students are known to be the most sleep-deprived age group due to the workload they have to manage. This is also unhealthy because research shows that this can lead to us not being able to manage stress as effectively. This may be the hardest tip to follow since we college students have so much on our plate, and it seems as if we get more and more on it every year. If you have a lot of work to do, do the most you can in one day, but also try to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours. In the end, you'll feel more awake and refreshed, and you'll end up having a more productive day.

4. Exercise

Exercise not only relieves stress, but it also makes you feel happier. Try to workout at least 3-5 times a week, and you will feel that you mind is more clear, you feel more focused, and happier. Not to mention feeling healthier too! More about how to get more exercise on campus here.

5. Go out and have some fun

Now I'm not saying go out and get blackout drunk over the weekend, but if your schedule allows it, get out for a night and hang out with some friends or coworkers. Or make it a date night with your significant other. If your closest friends are not nearby, for example at different schools, Skype with them. Either way, make some time to laugh and have a good time, so that you can resume your daily tasks feeling refreshed after a break the next day.

6. Sit outside and study

Almost all colleges campuses have areas where can sit outside and enjoy the weather while studying. If you live at home and you're not on campus 24/7, then sit on your front/back porch or even on your lawn. Being inside all day can make your head feel crammed, instead if the weather permits, go outside, sit at a table and study. The nice weather will allow you to feel more focused and you'll be bale to accomplish your work in no time.

7. Remind yourself how far you've come

Changing study habits was no walk in the park. Remind yourself how you became the student you are today and that nothing will stop you from achieving your goals. The more you tell yourself how awesome you are, the more you'll believe in yourself to keep on chasing your dreams!

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