Dynamic Duos: Halloween Edition
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Dynamic Duos: Halloween Edition

After visiting the graveyard of Halloween costumes' past, we managed to revive some from the dead for this year's All Hallow's Eve. If you're thinking about dressing up with your BFF, here are some of our favorite ideas.

Dynamic Duos: Halloween Edition
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Well it's that time of year again... time to trick or treat and get sugar high on the candy you"ll have that will last until Christmas. One of the biggest struggles with Halloween is figuring out what to wear! Dressing up for Halloween is fun, but dressing up with your best friend is even better! Coming from two of the closest BFF's in history, here are the top costumes to wear this (or any future) Halloween with your bestie.

1. Spongebob and Patrick

The definition of a perfect friendship. These costumes are perfect for friends who are fun, caring, and have a childlike side to them. Spongebob Squarepants was the show that we all obsessed over (admit it, it's true) and that makes dressing up as Spongebob and Patrick even better! Make sure if you dress up as them to bring your jelly fishing nets and your striped sweaters because the best time to wear them is all the time.

2. Winnie the Pooh and Piglet

We're not sure if there is a more iconic duo. Despite Pooh's depression and Piglet's anxiety, the pair seem to work together better than anyone else. They're there for one another when times are tough (you know, when honey is running low), and never fail to put their own problems aside to support the other. Their friendship is simply adorable. The best part is, if you have a more extensive friend group, you can always add in Tigger and Eeyore.

3. Elsa and Anna

Is your sister your best friend? If so, there is no better idea for you than to dress as Elsa and Anna from Disney's Frozen. The beginning of their sibling relationship starts out fine but then endures severe bumps in the road. Luckily, they learn to let it go (pun intended) and all turns out fine. There is no better way to represent the unbreakable bond you have with your sister than to be Elsa and Anna for a day.

4. Blair Waldorf and Serena van der Woodsen

Oh, Gossip Girl. The insane amounts of back-stabbing, lies, love triangles, and plot twists make Blair and Serena's friendship less than guaranteed. At any given moment, their relationship may be destroyed, but somehow, they still manage to come out on top (and yes, as friends). All drama aside, Blair and Serena show that even the worst hiccups don't mean that the connection is completely lost.

5. Santana Lopez and Brittany S. Pierce

This one is for all my fellow Gleeks. Santana, the most annoying, unfriendly friend and Brittany, the cliche stupid blonde, make for an unlikely pair. Still, their friendship stems from cheerleading and grows once they join Glee club. Not only do they become the best of friends, but they also (spoiler alert!) end up falling in love with one another and getting married. Even if you aren't romantically in love with your BFF, dressing up as Santana and Brittany for Halloween is a viable option.

6. Miley and Lily

This is for all the girl friends who binged watched Hannah Montana (which was everyone so just admit it). With Miley being a superstar it's amazing that Lily stood by her side and was a true friend to her thought it all! Dressing like them is a way to show people that "you're a true friend, you're here til the end".

7. PB&J

One of the classics. I mean what else goes together better than peanut butter and jelly? This could be done in a simple with just colored tees or you could go all out and make yourself into a sandwhich. No matter what you can show how you're the perfect friends.

8. Ed, Edd, and Eddie

No, this isn't a duo, but this would be an amazing costume for a group of three that wants to show that they grew up during the fun era of television! This could be so much fun and a great way to be creative and show that you've all been friends since back in the day of the show! Maybe even have Plank with you!

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