From A Disappointed 'Gilmore Girls' Fan Who WAS Excited For The Revival | The Odyssey Online
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From A Disappointed 'Gilmore Girls' Fan Who WAS Excited For The Revival

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From A Disappointed 'Gilmore Girls' Fan Who WAS Excited For The Revival

As a staunch "Gilmore Girls" fan, I was very excited about the Netflix revival, "Gilmore Girls: A Day in the Life." I fell in love with the original TV show, Lorelai's funny and sarcastic personality, Rory's love of books, Lane's quirkiness. I fell in love with the eccentric town of Stars Hollow, despite how strange the inhabitants. The original had heart, humor and was highly relatable. Lorelai is the prototype for the perfect mom: funny, young and a best friend.

So when I watched the reboot, I was sorely disappointed with the turn of events.

First, let's address Rory, the titular Gilmore girl.


I don't know what happened to Rory's character; she started off so sweet and hard working in the first few seasons of "Gilmore Girls." Yet, I began to see her decline when she went to Yale. She stole a yacht, dropped out of college after a mean comment from Logan's father, and had a falling out with Lorelai. I thought Rory's character degradation couldn't get any worse. Yet, her character does terrible things in the revival.

Why is she having an affair with Logan, who's engaged? Yet she still has a boyfriend who she continuously cheats on? The fact that she continually "forgets" to break up with him is supposed to be a funny gag, yet I find it disturbing that she finds cheating so little an issue. Furthermore, full offense intended, but Rory is a spoiled brat. She gets mad at Lorelai when she disagrees about writing about her. Sorry Rory, but your mother's life isn't your choice to share if you don't have permission.

I guess Amy Sherman-Paladino wants Logan to be Rory's Christopher and Jess to be her Luke, but

Rory's actions are so out-of-character that I am astounded at her character degradation.

Emily Gilmore

Emily was by far my favorite part. I loved her character development, namely that she becomes more compassionate and actually grows as a character after Richard's death. Her dismissal of the DAR ladies was my favorite part.


Lorelai's trip to California, her "Wild," felt somewhat forced. I liked the idea of it, but I don't think it was executed particularly well. Overall, Lorelai was the same Lorelai, although I loved her and Luke's marriage. I felt their marriage was hard won and highly satisfactory for fans.

The Musical

This was weird. I don't know what the point of the musical was, to be honest. It felt like a forced addition to the episode. It just felt entirely out of place.


I am beyond upset that Paris and Doyle split. They're soul mates. Amy better rectify this in the sequel. But I felt that Paris being in charge of a surrogate company was both surreal, yet so Paris.

* * *

Overall, the revival was decent. Not good, not bad. There we so many terrible character decisions, yet great character development.

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