There should be a word for that feeling you get when you see a favorite band or artist live. I've experienced that feeling too many times to count, sometimes even more than once for the same artist or band.
Jenny and Natalie* know this feeling all too well. They are huge (huge being an understatement) fans of the band The Killers. The band started out in the early 2000s, and Jenny and Natalie have supported the Las Vegas natives since the beginning.
The two girls shared with me their histories with the band, from the first time hearing one of their songs to following the band on tour.
When did you first start listening to The Killers?
Natalie: I still remember when their first song ever "Somebody Told Me" came out, and I liked it but I didn't really get into the band more until "Mr. Brightside" came out a little bit later and that was the middle of 2005.
Jenny: I saw the "Somebody Told Me" video during the summer of 2004, I think it was like late July, on the MTV2 show "Subterranean." It came on Sunday nights at 2am or something.
What was their first album that you bought?
Natalie: Definitely "Hot Fuss." I still remember the day I bought it. I listened to "Jenny Was a Friend of Mine," and the moment the song ended, I started it over and played it again.
Jenny: "Hot Fuss" a few weeks after hearing "Somebody Told Me" for the first time. My grandparents bought it for me. The CD was the same color as my portable CD player, which is where it lived forever pretty much.
How many times have you seen The Killers live?
Natalie: Something near 40, but I know multiple people who have seen them over 60 times.
Jenny: Around 20.
What has been your favorite show?
Natalie: It's hard to pick just one, but I really loved the last show they did in Vegas this past April 2016. They played with Wayne Newton and a guy from Imagine Dragons in the brand new T-Mobile Arena that had just opened. It was really cool to see them sell out an arena in their hometown.
Jenny: The April 2016 show in Vegas. They're so connected to the city as their hometown, and I loved having the opportunity to see them in their true natural habitat.
What about the most memorable?
Natalie: It was so memorable seeing them at Lollapalooza 2013 because New Order played right before them, another band I really love. New Order played the song whose music video inspired The Killers name.
Jenny: Firefly 2015 because they hadn't had a show in almost a year, and I love seeing them just playing so flawlessly together and having a good time after a while apart.
When and where was the first time you saw them?
Natalie: At the Wiltern in Los Angeles, April 6, 2005.
Jenny: Dallas in 2013.
Have you ever followed them on tour?
Natalie: I've followed them for legs of a tour like in my area but not for an entire tour.
Jenny: Just for a few shows in a row here and there.
How many stops did you make?
Natalie: On the leg of one tour, 6. For an entire album, something closer to 15.
Jenny: Usually about 2-3 shows in a row.
What was it like seeing them so many times in a short period?
Natalie: Every show feels different. It's amazing and exhausting, and glamorous and dirty and gross and the best thing you could ever do with your life.
Jenny: Amazing. You sprint, run, and drive to the next show off the energy from the one before, and after it's all over, you don't regret any of it for a second.
Was their set always the same?
Natalie: For the most part yes, but the band has gotten better about changing a couple of the songs. I honestly love pretty much everything they do, so I don't mind hearing the same song again and again.
Jenny: They have core parts of the setlist that stay the same from one night to the next, but they'll throw some surprises in here and there, which is always nice.
What is your favorite recorded song?
Natalie: "Sweet Talk." It was on their album "Sawdust," which is mostly comprised of b-sides and rarities, so not many people know it, but hardcore fans love it just as much.
Jenny: "Tranquilize," which was on their b-sides and rarities album "Sawdust." It features Lou Reed, which is beyond awesome, but I also feel like maybe it's weird to have as a favorite since it's not just the band.
What about favorite live song?
Natalie: Even though it's obvious to say, I still will never get over how much I love "When You Were Young" live. Sometimes the band will have flames or confetti or fireworks and sometimes they have nothing, and it feels just as magical.
Jenny: I'm not a huge fan of "Read My Mind," but there's just something about it live that turns it completely around for me. Brandon always seems so psyched during it, the crowd is super into it, and Dave has badass guitar solo. It has more heart live.
Wow. 20 and 40 times?! I think the most I have ever seen one band is three times. I can't even imagine the rush these girls feel every time the band walks on stage. These are more than just your casual fans or people who only know their hit songs. Bands like Phish, Grateful Dead, and Dave Matthews Band all have cult followings. Maybe The Killers will be among these legendary groups one day. And with Natalie and Jenny along for the ride, it sounds like they already are one.
*Names have been changed to protect their identities.