Focus Foods
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15 Foods That Will Help You Stay Focused

Starve your distractions, and feed your focus.


Breakfast is hands-down one of the most important meals of the day. Although we all aren't nutritionists, knowing which foods can keep you awake and focused all day is life-changing. Nobody wants to have a sugar rush and crash halfway through the day. When our bodies aren't getting the nutrients it needs, we'll feel groggy and tired. Here are 15 foods that will give you the energy you need and help you stay focused:

1. Bran cereal

Bran cereals contain magnesium, an underappreciated micronutrient that is responsible for breaking down of glucose into energy. A lack of magnesium might lead to a mid-day energy crash.

2 Eggs.

Despite the cholesterol in the yolk, eggs are an ideal breakfast food and protein-rich. They contain choline, an essential nutrient that stimulates brain development and improves memory retention.

3. Greek yogurt.

Greek yogurt contains a high amount of protein and probiotics. These healthy gut bacteria help with digestion and will help you feel lighter and energized.

4. Oats.

Oats contain fiber and antioxidants that allows your body to have a well-balanced meal while staying active.

5. Avocados.

Avocados have become a staple of modern breakfast. Avocados improve lutein levels in the brain, which is related to improved cognition.

6. Apples.

An apple is a convenient breakfast food that can be chomped down in a hurry- and you can take it wherever you go. Apples contain high levels of fiber and provide the body with a consistent source of energy.

7. Bananas.

Bananas provide a unique mixture of antioxidants, carbohydrates, and potassium to give your body an energy boost.

8. Blueberries.

Eating a pint of blueberries can actually help sharpen your quick wit. These tart-yet-sweet berries are incredibly rich in antioxidants, specifically gallic acid- a neuroprotective agent that maintains brain health.

9. Almond butter.

Almonds contain healthy fats which help lower blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and cholesterol. Almond butter is a versatile ingredient that goes well smeared on apples, mixed in oatmeal, or spread on a piece of whole-grain toast.

10. Cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese is a complete protein (perfect for post-workout meals), and a non-meat source of vitamin B12, a nutrient linked to reducing the severity of mood swings.

11. Matcha.

Matcha, a concentrated green tea powder, that contains antioxidants that boosts energy and endurance. It's also got caffeine, so if you're addicted to coffee but want to avoid it before the big day, matcha could be an ideal alternative.

12. Chia seeds.

The word chia is derived from the Mayan word for "strength." Chia seeds contain a variety of nutrients and antioxidants that will give you the energy you've been looking for.

13. Broccoli.

Broccoli contains the trace mineral chromium which works directly with mood regulators in the brain.

14. Asparagus.

This spring superfood isn't part of traditional breakfast, but asparagus is rich in folic acid and vitamin B12 — two nutrients crucial for proper neurological function.

15. Salmon.

Salmon is a legitimate superfood because it contains DHA, or docosahexaenoic acid, that can improve cognitive functioning.

"Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live." - Jim Rohn
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