Finals week is by far the most stressful week of the semester. Probably because you've procrastinated all of your final assignments and studying until the weekend before, but that's okay. We'll all make it through. But until Friday comes and we can all breathe again, we're going to be under a lot of pressure. Here's a list of things we go through during finals week that we can all probably relate to... as told by The Breakfast Club.
1. That feeling you get when you finish your final essay.
2. When the library is too crowded or too loud and you're trying to think of a way to get everyone out.
3. When you can't focus and everything is distracting you.
4. When you've been studying for six hours straight and you don't even know what's going on anymore.
5. When you look at the study guide and realize you have a lot of work to do.
6. When you look in the mirror after not sleeping for two days.
7. When your professor asks how you think you did on the exam.
8. When you've accepted failure.
9. When your professor omits a question because he didn't like the wording, but it was the only question that you knew the answer to.
10. When your mom asks how you're doing and you've reached your breaking point.
11. When you realized you nailed that exam.
12. When you hear someone complaining about having two finals and you're over here with four papers and three final exams.
13. When it's the last week and your bank account and meal plans are running out.
14. When nothing you studied is on the exam and you feel like your professor betrayed you.
15. Walking out of your last final like...
We'll make it through this together. Just remember: you got this.
Sincerely yours,
The Breakfast Club