Those dreaded moments haunt us. For some, it comes in the form of a college English paper looming over your head; others an article that they have to write once a week, but all these writers have something in common: Writer’s Block.
Symptoms of this condition are blank thoughts and facial expressions, often followed by irritability and annoyance at disturbances. The writer experiences feelings of great despair and pressure to meet a deadline. At this time, the writer will make a decision to come back to it later. The writer may also experience an unwillingness to come face to face with this challenge again, which will lead to procrastination. With the deadline/due date drawing nearer, the writer may produce increasing anxiety and apprehension, and question how they can possibly complete the task hovering overhead?
But never fear!
Writer’s Block can be treated with practice and time. Please consider these tips for preventing Writer’s Block.
If you find yourself feeling stuck before you even started, carefully follow these instructions:
Even if you have no idea what to write about, there are resources at our fingers today. Utilize it and ask questions.
If it is that darn paper dragging you down, talk to your professor and tell them you are having a hard time. Show them you’re trying by bring in drafts of your paper. They will give you the best instructions and feedback for how to achieve success in their class.
Ask your family and friends, too. Take a poll for what topic to research. You may be surprised by what you end up writing about.
Try searching Pinterest. Just typing in an interest and the possibilities come to you.
Just type! The best way to bring results is not to wait for inspiration. It’ll come to you as you start crossing off the topics. (I went through four ideas before I got to this topic, myself.)
If you would rather be told what to write about, talk to your EIC! They are there to help you and are bound to have many ideas waiting to be used. Also, communicate with your fellow community members.
There are many people who hit a wall because of Writer’s Block. Therefore, we can do our best to prevent it and help our writer friends out of it by recognizing the signs and helping out. We, writers have to stick together, because that’s what a community does.
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